Need your advice on eardrum issue...


New member
May 26, 2017
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I have posted on this website before and have gotten wonderful advice from everyone. I need your help again, our French bulldog Petey has a ruptured ear drum and we have been dealing with this problem for over a month. He's been to his Veterinarian numerous times and been put on ear drops, apoquel and 2 types of antibiotics and most recently from the Specialist another ear drop (Tob40/Dex4/Saline 10ml/20ml/70-100ml). We finally got him in to see a Dermatologist/Allergist specialist where she was able to put a scope down his ear canal and she found a mass behind his eardrum. She didn't think it was cancer, but she's referring us to a Surgeon for a CT Scan. Several scenarios given, the most evasive is removal of his inner ear canal to get to the mass to remove it, they suture up his ear opening and of course he will loose his hearing, which he may already have from the ruptured eardrum. Another possibility is removing the mass, the downfall is the bleeding that can occur and hard to control. I asked what would happen if we did nothing, and she said he would be on ear drops the rest of his life. As far as ongoing pain I'm not sure or the quality of life?
Right now we're waiting to get him in for a CT Scan, but I know we'll have to make a decision on what to do and right now, removing his ear canal isn't one of them. Maybe someone out there had this same experience and can share what they did? or can give some advice on the least evasive process to take so he can continue to live out his life happy, healthy and pain free.
Just an excerpt, Petey is an 8 year old Frenchie, 38lbs (yes he's a big boy) very healthy, occasional allergies, he gets cytopoint shots 2-3 times a year. He is on home cooked meals that I make for him using BalanceIt supplements. I appreciate your suggestions and or thoughts on this.


Staff member
Apr 6, 2013
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Welcome to FBN!! I have never experienced this situation so I can not give any advice. Howeer, i think you are doing all the best things for your boys... if it were me, based on all you are saying surgery to remoe the canal would be a very last option. If drops for rest of year means no pain, I might go that way as I'm always looking to avoid surgery.

Wishing all the best for him... please keep us posted and I'll be praying for him.