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New member
Feb 21, 2014
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Hi my names Paris and I am the proud owner of a wonderful cheeky chap Frenchie Boy a Roger Rabbit x would love some advise about the Breed as I am a first time owner x
:welcome: Paris, we are so happy you found us and joined our group. There is plenty of info on here and if you can't find the answer to a question, feel free to ask away, and someone will have an answer or suggestion. Looking forward in seeing pics of your baby.
Welcome Paris and Roger! Can't wait to see photos of your little man! Glad you found the sight and like David, said, don't be shy! :)
My Roger is rather a hypo little guy. I take him for a half hour walk every day but still he does the 5000 matron around our house x will this calm down as he gets older x
Hi Paris and Roger! How old is Roger? Sounds like his name fits him!!! :yes:

We have 3 - Gidget 1yr, 4 mos, Olivia and Wilson (brother / sister ) 14 wks tomorrow. Gidget is very active and athletic. Her fav toy is a frisbee.
Hi Anne . Roger rabbit is 5months old and yes he fit his name very well. when we first bought him at 12weeks old he was very poorly he had 3rd stage of kennel cough :(. It took a month and a half worth of Antibroutices to clean. Now he's fit and well I am thinking he may of had some much energy to let out and now he can. He's house trained and very good but his energy levels is of a big dog he also barks a lot to x
Thank you for the Welcoming Mamandi. Your little frenchie is so cute x

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:welcome3: to FBN .... happy you found us!
Hi Bullymama . Thank you for thr welcome. Am happy i found us xx

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