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Dec 4, 2013
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His all, I am new to this group, but so excited to have found it! Last August we got our first Frenchie, her name is Bella May. She is truly the love of my life!

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Hi and welcome. What a cute girl!

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Hi, welcome to FBN. She's so adorable, I want to squeeze her! :)
Welcome to the site and your Bella May is just a cutie. Frenchies are the best for sure.
His all, I am new to this group, but so excited to have found it! Last August we got our first Frenchie, her name is Bella May. She is truly the love of my life!

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Oh my, what a cutie! I got my first Frenchie in June, he was 10 1/2 weeks and will be 8 months this weekend. I totally understand the love you feel cause I always say Jax is the love of my life. They are just the cutest breed!
She's a beauty! Reminds me of Hazel [MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION]

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Hello and :welcome3: to FBN.... so happy you found us --- Bella May is a beauty!
She is sooo pretty !! I can sure understand about her being the love of your life. I feel that way about mine too ! Best wishes to you and Bella.
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