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Feb 6, 2014
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Hi Everyone

glad too see how many other Frenchie lovers there are!!
My two Frenchies, Fenway and Wrigley (yes husband form Chi town and I am from bean town) have allergies. The vet keeps saying it is food releated. we have done hypo everything but i think it is grass. when we take them for walks they seem to get stuffy noses afterwards and then start licking their paws.

Baths and wipping off the paws help but they are still uncomfortable..... has any one done the allergy testing?

If I dont walk them they will be very grumpy and usually my furniture takes a bite beating!!
Welcome to the site and so happy you joined us. Food is usually the big factor in allergies. Grass can certainly be another. Have you tried a food change? It might help out. I'm sure others will be along soon with other ideas.
Hello and :welcome3: to FBN!! Love the names.... my Frenchie is Chelios and my English is Banks (guess who after??, well your husband will know) - my b/f is also from Chicago.

Allergies... ah, aren't they fun ! Have you tried to give them Benedryl to help with the syptoms 1mg per per up to 3x a day
:smileywelcome: Welcome Rachel, Fenway and Wrigley. I have had food allergy tests for on my EBs and it helped me pick a limited ingredient food they could tolerate! I can't wait to see pictures of your babies. I love their names!
Hi and welcome to the site! Can't wait to see pics of the babies! So sorry to hear they are suffering though! :( Poor babies. Hopefully, you can figure out what makes them itch soon. Like others have said, it's usually a food allergy, although that doesn't mean it couldn't be something else. I have mine on a grain free diet and am very picky about what he eats (paranoid is a better word than picky) :) He gets grain free dry kibble mixed with a little bit of raw.
Hello and welcome to the forum. It could well be grasses/pollen etc. I know a few frenchies who have similar reactions to the ones you've described.
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