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Off Day? Please help!


New member
Dec 30, 2013
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I'm in disparate need of some help! Something went horribly wrong yday. The day started with my 5 month pup, Valentina, pooping in the living room which she's never done. I might not have kept her out on the balcony long enough to go on the pee pads which is the normal routine though. The rest of the morning and afternoon seemed fine. She didn't cry when I left or when the walker left mid afternoon. But he had to cxl her late afternoon walk so I came home from work. She was acting a little strange. Not listening to her sit command for one and just seemed off maybe sad even. I got her some new tennis balls which she loved and she seemed to perk up. I even got her a new kong which I filled with mashed banana, kibble and a little peanut butter. I put that in her crate with her along with the normal chew toys she has in there. And she started crying really loud when when I left which then turned to barking (she's never barked in her crate)! This went on for a good 10-15mins then she stopped. The evening seemed ok. We stayed up longer than normal but we usually do that on the weekend so she sleeps in a bit. She fell asleep on my lap so I put her in her crate around midnight. I didn't give her the big kong but a small one with banana and peanut butter and her normal chew toys. I sprayed some DAP. Oh she also had her thundershirt on all day. She cried for a few mins when I went to bed which she's done before. I was the woken up and hour later to loud crying. She's never woken up in the night except when she was sick with bladder infections. I waited for her to stop crying and went to chk on her. No pee or poo in the crate. I let her out to pee on her pads and a little came out and then I put her back in the crate. But the crying wouldn't stop. I finally got a shake can and shook it and yelled quiet. I did this 3 times over about an hour and she finally stopped. She then wakes me up at 5am crying again. She went out and peed and pooped (this is her normal weekday time but we usually wake up around 7-730 on the w/e). And now shes sleeping in the living room with me.

What happened?? I have no idea what to do. She's been so good with bedtime. I've had her almost a month now. What should I do if she does it again tonight? I have another crate she was delivered in so could try putting that in my bedroom for her to sleep.

Please help!

I'm just wondering if she is getting another bladder infection. Maybe she feels like she needs to pee. see what she does tonight and if she still does it, maybe a trip to the vet to rule out an infection.
I agree with David about the possibility of a bladder infection. Valentina sounds like an exceptionally well behaved little girl. Buster still had occasional accidents when he was 5 months.
Agreed with David and Alice.... Have her checked for infection
She's still on her antibiotics and Cystaid so I'm pretty sure it's not that. She's peeing normally too so no blood and she's not having a hard time peeing like before.

Any other ideas?
I had a "bad" day with Maple a couple days ago.
She was barking and nipping ,wouldnt wanna listen,just a very bad girl.
I think dogs can have bad days and be in a bad mood just like us. I also think that once they are used to a routine and something out of the ordinary happens or you cant stick to the routine for som reason ,it can throw them off. For example when Maple had a bad day I let her sleep for 3 hours at noon which is very unusual since she normally naps for an hour. But I was busy and she kept sleeping so I let her be until I woke her up 3 hours later.And thays when she started missbehaving and she stayed like this all day long. I personally think she was too hyper and excited because she wasnt on her usual schedule.
Since your dog walker cancelled the afternoon walk maybe thats what threw her off schedule.
But thats just a thought... :)

I'm in disparate need of some help! Something went horribly wrong yday. The day started with my 5 month pup, Valentina, pooping in the living room which she's never done. I might not have kept her out on the balcony long enough to go on the pee pads which is the normal routine though. The rest of the morning and afternoon seemed fine. She didn't cry when I left or when the walker left mid afternoon. But he had to cxl her late afternoon walk so I came home from work. She was acting a little strange. Not listening to her sit command for one and just seemed off maybe sad even. I got her some new tennis balls which she loved and she seemed to perk up. I even got her a new kong which I filled with mashed banana, kibble and a little peanut butter. I put that in her crate with her along with the normal chew toys she has in there. And she started crying really loud when when I left which then turned to barking (she's never barked in her crate)! This went on for a good 10-15mins then she stopped. The evening seemed ok. We stayed up longer than normal but we usually do that on the weekend so she sleeps in a bit. She fell asleep on my lap so I put her in her crate around midnight. I didn't give her the big kong but a small one with banana and peanut butter and her normal chew toys. I sprayed some DAP. Oh she also had her thundershirt on all day. She cried for a few mins when I went to bed which she's done before. I was the woken up and hour later to loud crying. She's never woken up in the night except when she was sick with bladder infections. I waited for her to stop crying and went to chk on her. No pee or poo in the crate. I let her out to pee on her pads and a little came out and then I put her back in the crate. But the crying wouldn't stop. I finally got a shake can and shook it and yelled quiet. I did this 3 times over about an hour and she finally stopped. She then wakes me up at 5am crying again. She went out and peed and pooped (this is her normal weekday time but we usually wake up around 7-730 on the w/e). And now shes sleeping in the living room with me.

What happened?? I have no idea what to do. She's been so good with bedtime. I've had her almost a month now. What should I do if she does it again tonight? I have another crate she was delivered in so could try putting that in my bedroom for her to sleep.

Please help!

I think she's spoiled. My FBD peeps and whines to get everything he wants. It's his way of talking. He was taught to do business outside so he peeps at the door and looks at the handle to go out. He peeps when he can't reach a toy so you'll help him. He peeps at us and looks at the gate we keep up when he wants to move to another room. He's a year old now and so I don't crate him at night anymore but when he was little if he wasn't tired he would peep to get out of his cage at night. Now he peeps at the side of our bed when he wants to get up. He peeps for dinner at his food bowl and if I don't notice he drank all his water right away he peeps to tell me to fill it. If I go away from the house I still crate him and always have and he SCREAMS bloody murder as we are locking the door. If you work away from the house and she's locked up a good part of the day she's probably not tired and she's probably lonely for you. French Bulldogs have a way of getting what they want, they are incredibly stubborn and think they run the house. I say don't give in, and put the pillow over your head. If shes not sick then she's just doing it to be known. Ignore her, she'll sleep. I treat my dogs like I did my child. If they wake up in the middle of the night you don't speak to them, don't turn on lights. If they need to potty they are pottied and put directly to bed. No stimulation and pretty soon they get the picture.The great thing about a puppy is they re so cute and cuddly and the other is that any antics go away with age. Just like a small child, someday you'll miss those antics and laugh. Welcome to parenthood!
Thanks for all the replies. She seemed much better the past few nights so it could have been an off day. I also made sure to tire her out Sat and Sun so she'd sleep through the past few nights. I tried leaving her in her crate while I was home for a few 30-60min sessions and she cried less and less. I'll keep that up for the next few weeks, then she's off to a doggie hotel for a week while I'm away. Will this make things better or worse?!

And, yes she is very spoiled! I'll have my pillow ready for next time!!
Marg has bad days all the time... we will go a week without accidents in the house and good girl behavior, and then one day its almost like she has to break the streak and be bad on purpose... it must be a frenchie puppy thing!
I think all of the Frenchies on here are spoiled, I know Jax is! He is almost 9 months and usually gets what he wants but when he doesn't, he purposely misbehaves and looks for things to get into. There have been a couple times, usually when everyone is eating and not paying attention to him, when he will go to his bed and just pee on it. I think our babies are just used to getting what they want, when they want so the few times that they don't, they misbehave.
Haha, its so true how spoiled they are! Yesterday my dog walker was very late. I have a little webcam so I heard Valentina crying right around 30mins after he was suppose to show up. He ended up being an hour late and she cried when I put her to bed which she hasn't done in a week! She was definitely vocalizing her annoyance!!
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