Peeing and Jumping on the Couch, Help!


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Dec 30, 2013
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Hi again,

I recently started to let Valentina, my 7.5 month old, on the couch when I'm sitting or napping but only on my lap or next to me. She must think it's forbidden territory now and is really testing the limits. The other morning I left the room and when I came back she was up there chewing my pillows and blankets. I have a new dog walker that started and her first day she left Vale in the living room for 5 minutes and came back to her peeing on it! Now anytime I'm not looking she jumps up there. I have yelled, clapped and used a shake can which scares her to hide under the dining room table but it doesn't seem to stop her. What can I do??
Welcome to the world of STUBBORN puppy. I have found that this breed while super cute and super funny at times, is also STUBBORN and very true to the name of bully breed. LOL My boy does the same thing. As a trainer I can tell you the only way to correct and train the behavior is to catch them in the act and correct. By correct I mean tell her no and take her off the couch when you see her up there. Now I will also tell you that most trainers will tell you that you are confusing the dog. They don't know when it's "ok" and when it's not ok. It is much easier to teach the dog what you want if you have a strict rule of always or never. The couch should be an always or never not sometimes. They don't understand sometimes. If you let her up there to sit on your lap and you encourage her to jump up there to sit with you then when your not there she thinks it's ok too because she has been up there with you and it was ok. It's up to you, but teaching her it's ok sometimes will be a real challenge. One I would not want to try to win. Good luck! :)

Hi again,

I recently started to let Valentina, my 7.5 month old, on the couch when I'm sitting or napping but only on my lap or next to me. She must think it's forbidden territory now and is really testing the limits. The other morning I left the room and when I came back she was up there chewing my pillows and blankets. I have a new dog walker that started and her first day she left Vale in the living room for 5 minutes and came back to her peeing on it! Now anytime I'm not looking she jumps up there. I have yelled, clapped and used a shake can which scares her to hide under the dining room table but it doesn't seem to stop her. What can I do??
Definitely what Julie said. From my experience with dogs. I've always had better results when sticking to always or never rules. And since you just started letting her on the coach, she just really doesn't understand the rules yet and you still have to repeatedly correct her on the spot. Good luck!
Excellent advice above.

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I agree with the advice given, it has got to be all or none. Regarding the peeing on the couch, she was probably marking it.
Great info above, it takes time and you need to be consistent.
Stubbon Bully Alert.... I had the same with Roger i should say i still do but he isnt as bad now he his growing up. My sofa is his new play toy as he has learnt to Jump on there and bark at me to let me know mummy am up on the Couch.. X i know what your going threw

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Ok, so going to keep the couch off limits from now on! How does the whole marking thing work? She's now peed on the sofa twice so is it considered marked or will she keep doing it? Is there anyway to prevent it? I've had my rugs stored away since I got her thinking I could put them down after she was potty trained but now I'm worried she'll mark then too!
As long as there is a trace of urine smell she most likely will come back to the same location.
She actually went on the other cushion! I used an odor absorbing stain remover which claims to eliminate skunk smells. I'm going to take the cushions to the dry cleaner this weekend as well.