Peeing or marking??

I Love Louie

New member
Oct 13, 2013
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I'm having trouble with Louie...I have dark carpet and can see a lot of areas with dried pee. It's hard to notice till I shine a light on it. The trouble is he goes outside a lot and I never see him squat in the house so could it be he is marking? I'm not happy about it because we are moving to my parents and I don't want him to do it there!!! Luckily they have tile and wood floors so I will see it but she has area and throw rugs. He is going to be 8 months on February 7. How can I tell if he is marking and how do you stop it??

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Well he could be marking, it's just hard to tell, sometimes Frenchies will get lazy and will just rather go in the house than outside.
Is the carpet new or has someone else lived there before with a dog? If another dog has peed there, regardless of how many times the carpet has been cleaned, Louie will smell it and pee there.
I guess it could be his laziness and it had been so cold here lately!! I fused to have a boston terrier but have had the carpets cleaned he must be smelling her.

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I'd he in a crate when you can't watch him? Sounds like he may need to go back to basics with his potty training.

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Jax is 9 months old and usually will let us know when he has to go out. Every now and then though, he will pee in the house. And actually, this morning for whatever reason he went to his bed, and just peed right on it. He knew he was a bad boy right after cause he gave me a sad look after I said "Oh, Jax what did you do?"
Is it possible for Females to "Mark".... Marg gets to sleep in bed with us, and in our bedroom we have a large dog bed for our big dogs... Well the other day I noticed Murphy laying next to the bed instead of ontop of it which seemed strange.... When I looked closer I could tell there was a pee stain on it... Trust me, it wasn't the other two dogs, It was most definitely Marg.... Just wondering if she maybe ran on the bed to have an accident OR if for some reason she was marking the bed as hers.... I swear she "owns" everything in the house and this bed was the last thing our other dogs enjoy and it wasn't hers....
I will definitely be crating him more again even though I don't like to. I also notice when he goes outside I don't think he even finishes all the way because it's cold and he wants his treat!!!

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An other thing to think of, if he is peeing more than usual, he could have a UTI.
I believe the part about being lazy. I have a dog door and still have multiple Frenchie "accidents". I am trying to work around it with indoor grass. I find my Frenchies react opposite to my request to go outside. Like many Frenchies, mine sleep often. It is the middle of the night that usually is the problem. However, my male simply enjoys hikink his leg on anything. Plus, he is neutered. Besides sodding my entire house, what helps to train these pups that are biologically against much training. They are smart. How do I get them to direct it. They are definitely not labs. I am having trouble not getting angry. It does not help with these guys. How far do I let house breaking anarchy go on?
What David said!! LOL. When we first got Leo, he was not neutered, and he was used to being lazy and going in the house (he came from a breeder), so it was a hard habit to break him of (he is 3 yrs old), but we finally did it! Unfortunately, he will still go in the bathroom during the day, but I can't blame him for that, as that is a long time for him to hold it. He does go on the pee pad thankfully and the floor is tile, so it's not terrible. On rare occasion, he will hold it until I get home. Since we had him neutered, he has not marked in the house! Yahhh!! So, I think that will help in your case. He's young, have patience, he will learn eventually! I had super radar with Leo when he was still learning and he was not out of my sight until after he was neutered, so he learned that it made mommy mad when he did that too!! LOL Just remember that if your baby pees on the hardwood, it could damage the finish, so you'll want to get that cleaned up right away. When you can watch him, keep him gated/crated somewhere where he can't do so much damage to floors/rugs.