Peeling red circles on inner back leg


New member
Aug 30, 2013
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Babetty has gross peeling red circles on one of her inner back legs. Time for a vet visit! Has anyone else experienced this in their bullies?

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Yep time for a vet visit... It could be something as simple as allergies but it could also be staph or ringworm.... Best to find out for sure.

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I agree with the others, a vet visit is in order.
I'm wondering a staph infection. Let us know how it goes and what the vet says!!!
Hard to tell in the lighting, they appear to be dry, so it could be as simple as scrapes or dermatitis. I see some yellowing at the thigh skin so that could be the crusting of a dermatitis or beginning of a staph infection.
keep us posted as to what your vet say's.
May I ask what you are feeding her?
Wow I had not seen these anywhere else, my eb used to get these on his tummy, back legs. I thought it was a reaction to something in the grass as they come & go. I would clean them with anti bac soap. He hasn't had them this year. If you go to the vet I am curious as to what his comments are.
We have been told that it's 90% likely to be a food allergy and are in the process of switching her from Beneful (which wasn't her usual food - when we moved we couldn't find her regular grain free food) to California Natural.

I had thought initially it was a reaction to something at the beach, but she's been today and is as happy as can be. Still has redness but no more patches, we've been helping to ease her wiggles with some Hydrocortisone lotion (We decided to try a topical route + food switch before opting for another shot and more pills. This seems to be helping so we're hoping we can forego another round of heavy medicine.)
Probably was a food allergy, glad you figured it out before it got worse! I hate beneful, it's :barf:

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It's horrible @ Beneful! Thanks Debra. :)
I remember now how I treated Harley when he got those. I keep on hand a solution of equal parts apple cider vinegar & water. I put that on a paper towel & would pat his spots with that & the patches would go away. I swear by that mixture for so many things
Oh, I'm going to try that! Babette seems to be clearing up nicely but not everything is completely gone yet. I'll have to pick some apple cider vinegar up when I go to the store. Thank you. :D