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Pet Insurance

Cosette Girl

New member
Aug 9, 2013
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Hi, everybody.

I have been thinking about getting pet insurance for Cosette, but I am not totally sure.

Does anyone have experience with it?


Lisa, I don't have any experience with pet insurance. We have always just paid the vet bills as they come. [MENTION=314]Julie Stevenson[/MENTION] has it.
We have pet insurance for Bella. We pay 29.00 a month and they cover mostly everything except well visits, although you can get that coverage too. I got it after my neighbor who has a pit mix, hurt her knee and had surgery costing 5000.00, the pet insurance covered it all!!

~ Loving life with our Frenchie
I'm using Healthy Paws, I pay 37 a month, I haven't had to use it yet but...Emergency Visits, X-Rays, Surgery, Medication ect... are covered.
I have VPI. I pay about $46 a month for their major medical plan comprehensive plus the wellness plan. They have 3 different medical plans to choose from.
Thanks, I haven't had time to call any insurance companies yet.
I am having Cosette evaluated for entropion and want to see if insurance treats it as pre-existing or not.
I have been trying to convince my husband we should get pet insurance for at least our frenchie girl, and he is against it, he thinks she is healthy and nothing major could go wrong... Ha I need him to do his research. We dont have insurance on our other two dogs, but they are mixed breeds and really dont have the lineage of health problems that frenchies can have.
I have started a separate savings account that i deposit into each month for vet emergencies. At least we will have something put aside, in case I cant convince him we need insurance on her.
I have spent a lot in the past 6 months for Cosette and thought it may help, but even an ear infection can be considered pre-existing for up to a year.
The separate account is a good idea!

Thanks, Trish.
I too am in the market for pet insurance. I take it that these plans cover cesareans as well?
I am not sure. You could read what each company offers and call them with questions.
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