Photos of my little man, LEO


Aug 21, 2013
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Sorry for the quality, but hopefully they will get better!

2ejyma8e.jpgLeo Baby.jpgLeo Play 2.jpgLeo Play.jpgLeo Snooze.jpg
Awwww......look at him!!! How are you 2 doing so far?
So sweet.... Just how happy are you??:D
WOOT WOOT you got your baby! :D:jumpdance::happydance:
Awww, I see what you mean about him having a nice coat. He looks so glossy and bright white :) What a cutie!
Not sure why a couple of them are "sideways", they were upright when I posted them last night. :(
Yes, we are very happy. He is starting to adjust a little more each day. I just hate going to work and leaving him at home though. :( He's a happy little boy and actually slept next to me on the sofa for a little while last night for the first time! :)

The only issue I'm seeing right now is that he pees in his crate, during the day and even last night. :( I'm not sure what to do to stop this behavior! :(
I am so happy for you!!!! Leo is precious.

Is the crate new to him?
Does he have a blanket or anything in the crate? Even adult dogs will sometimes potty on a blanket or stuffed animal in a crate if given a chance (I had an adult EB that did this). Lots of changes for him I'm sure. It could just be an adjustment thing :)
Does he have a blanket or anything in the crate? Even adult dogs will sometimes potty on a blanket or stuffed animal in a crate if given a chance (I had an adult EB that did this). Lots of changes for him I'm sure. It could just be an adjustment thing :)

Yes, there is a crate pad that is not fluffy, and I put an old mattress pad in there to make it comfy......
Maybe try taking all that stuff away. I know it seems mean but you can reintroduce it later once his potty issue clears up and he is settled into a routine :)
One of my EB's for the first 3 years of his life had nothing in his crate. #1 he chewed everything & #2 I was so paranoid he would pee on anything soft as EB are known to do that. He now has a huge soft comforter in his crate with no issues.
Can you make his crate small so he doesn't have room too potty? Was he potty trained at one time? You can hold off any water a couple hours before bedtime, potty outside before he goes to bed. I am sure he will come around :)
Both Diva and Princess had accidents for a couple of weeks after adopting them, I think it was just a big adjustment for them and they were still getting used to everything. Just make sure you get Leo on a strict potty schedule and he will soon learn. Keep the pics coming, he is so adorable! :)
He is a cutie, as far as the peeing in his crate, take the mattress pad for awhile until he learns not to pee in the crate.
Love him he is soooo cute!
He is a handsome little man! It may take several weeks for him to adjust to his potty schedule, but like David said, tale the pad out until he does!
I took the mattress pad out and just have the crate pad and a thin blanket and he hasn't peed in his crate since! Thank you for the advice!