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Potential rescue adoption - phone interview


Aug 21, 2013
Reaction score
Yep.... nervous! Anyone have any pointers for a phone interview with the rescue?!?! :pray:
You'll do great! I think your enthusiam and desire to adopt a rescue will come through!
I'm so happy for you! You'll do great!!!!!
You'll do awesome! I can tell how much this mean to you just from your posts on FBN, they'll be able to tell right away! Pleaseeeeeeee keep us posted!!!! :)
I think you will be great, just answer truthfully and it should go well. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
OMG.... BEST OF LUCK!!! Sorry, no pointers, but David is right, be truthful and all will go well
AWWW you applied for another one? That is great. I'm so excited for you!
Thank you everyone for the encouragement! I couldn't sleep last night because all I could think about was that little face I applied for! :) I hope it goes well!
OMG!! Just be yourself & be honest. You will do fine :)
Omg I am so excited reading this!!!! [MENTION=169]Cosette Girl[/MENTION] in with you, fingers toes and lets not forget paws!

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I have my fingers crossed. I am excited for you!! :D
I should just stop getting my hopes up I guess..... haven't heard a thing yet! This is just so frustrating. I want my little snuggle bug! :(
When were they supposed to call? Did they give you a time or date?

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When were they supposed to call? Did they give you a time or date?

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)

Unfortunately, she didn't say when she was going to call, just asked me what is the best time to contact me, so I responded to her email (she emailed me on Wednesday, late), but haven't heard anything back yet. Hopefully my reply did not go into her spam folder. :( I'm trying to be patient, but it's difficult. :)
If not this puppy, then the right one will come. Babette and I still have all of our fingers, toes, paws, and eyes crossed for you. :)
If not this puppy, then the right one will come. Babette and I still have all of our fingers, toes, paws, and eyes crossed for you. :)

LOL! Thank you. made me giggle, little Babette is so cute!
How exciting!! Good luck and let us know how it turns out. :w00t:
Did you have the phone interview?

No. I never heard from them, and now she is pending! :(

I just want to give a loving home to a Frenchie and I just can't seem to get anywhere!
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