Sleeping positions........


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Oct 18, 2013
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The other sleeping thread got me thinking of the various sleeping pics I have of Bolt.....because he loves to sleep...... I'd love to see cute sleeping pics or strange sleeping positions. My guy can snooze anywhere it seems. :)




Here are some pictures I was able to take :) same thing Marg can fall asleep pretty much anywhere!

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I love it!! Thanks for sharing!
OMG.... love these pics and will be a great thread to oogle over.
Broda.jpgcheli 003.jpgcheli 10.7 001.jpg
All those pictures are so cute. Buster likes to curl up and sleep with his big brother and the vacuum hose!


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Leo sleeping after his shower. :)

Here are some pictures I was able to take :) same thing Marg can fall asleep pretty much anywhere!
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OMG Ollie loves to sleep on his back all the time and he does fall asleep in the weirdest positions. I look at him and think how are you comfortable? LOL Great pics!

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Leo sleeping after his shower. :)


Here's a few of Jax. He loves pillows and you know he is comfy once he gets onto his back.IMAG0055.jpgIMAG0119.jpgIMAG0180.jpgIMAG0205.jpgIMAG0234.jpgIMAG0336.jpgIMAG0376.jpg

OMG! He is so cute!! What a doll baby!

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Where oh where did you get his stuffed Kermit the Frog??!!!! I love that!!
[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] I got it at Petsmart. They had a few different Muppet toys but being that Frenchies are also "frogs" I thought it was perfect. Unfortunately we don't have it anymore as toys don't last too long with Jax, he ends up pulling off body parts and pulling out the stuffing.
Sweet babies, they can sleep just about anywhere can't they.
[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] I got it at Petsmart. They had a few different Muppet toys but being that Frenchies are also "frogs" I thought it was perfect. Unfortunately we don't have it anymore as toys don't last too long with Jax, he ends up pulling off body parts and pulling out the stuffing.
[MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION] thanks! I will have to look next time I'm there!

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some are upside down and sideways can't figure out how to post them the right facing way....sorry....

He is so cute!!! I love his white chest markings, looks like my marg :) He looks so pitiful in his little leg cast! Is he all healed up and better now??
He is so cute!!! I love his white chest markings, looks like my marg :) He looks so pitiful in his little leg cast! Is he all healed up and better now??

Yes, he's all good now. I posted pics from the dog park last weekend. The avatar photo is from last weekend. He's running around like new....can't tell unless you xray him and see the pins and screw. LOL
Yes, he's all good now. I posted pics from the dog park last weekend. The avatar photo is from last weekend. He's running around like new....can't tell unless you xray him and see the pins and screw. LOL

Oh glad to hear! Ha they are so pitiful when they are hurt, I am sure your heart just broke when that happened! Good thing they are tough little guys and bounce back pretty easily!
Yes, he's all good now. I posted pics from the dog park last weekend. The avatar photo is from last weekend. He's running around like new....can't tell unless you xray him and see the pins and screw. LOL

He is just so darn cute I can't stand it!! :)