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Sleepless in Seattle


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Aug 19, 2013
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Jax started sleeping in the bed with us about 2 1/2 months ago. Before that, he slept in an ex pen in the kitchen. He had been sleeping through the night, no problems at all. Now all of a sudden, for the past week or so, he decides to wake up in the middle of the night and sit at the edge of the bed and stare at the bedroom door which means he wants to go out. I get up, take him off the bed, open the door and he will run down the hallway, look into the kitchen and then go sit or lay down under the table. I have no idea why he is doing this or what he wants. Last night, I put his bed in the kitchen, put the gates up and put him and walked away and he started whining and barking and he does the same thing when I put him in his crate (which is in our bedroom). Any thoughts or suggestions as to why is he acting like this?
If Jax doesn't have to go potty, he's just waking up and wanting attention, you know it is more fun to have someone awake with you. Does Jax get enough exercise to wear himself out during the day? These little guys are pretty high energy and do need their walks and plat time.
It's funny you mention this, as Ollie has started to change his wake up time to 4:15AM!!! Now we are an early rise family (5:30AM) but 4:15 is a little too early for my taste. He does the same thing, goes to the end of the bed or jumps off (mattress on floor so only about 18 inches from the carpet) and then I hear him and get up to take him out. Now he goes potty right away and then comes back in and usually gets a drink and then back to bed for another hour or so. Because I don't want an accident on the carpet I do get up and take him out. He is still only 5.5 months old so holding it can be rough especially when we go to bed about 8PM.

As for your situation - I would get up and take him out anytime you think he might have to go potty so you are encouraging the potty training and no potty in the house rule. So get up take him striaght out to the yard and wait a few mins. If he does not go potty I would gather him back up and go back to bed. If he has an accident then I would recommend putting him back in the crate after you offer the potty break and if he does not go then crate it is to minimize the accidents in the house. He will probably whine and cry so you have to choose sleep with him in the bed or listen to him whine in the crate. Sounds like he's probably just in the mood to play or be awake and you probably don't want to be so now is the time for your alpha to kick in and tell him what the routine is going to be. Bedtime at nightm playtime during the day. I would also recommend getting him more excerise right before bedtime. We play with Ollie right before bedtime to tucker him out. Works well. Good luck!
It's funny you mention this, as Ollie has started to change his wake up time to 4:15AM!!! Now we are an early rise family (5:30AM) but 4:15 is a little too early for my taste. He does the same thing, goes to the end of the bed or jumps off (mattress on floor so only about 18 inches from the carpet) and then I hear him and get up to take him out. Now he goes potty right away and then comes back in and usually gets a drink and then back to bed for another hour or so. Because I don't want an accident on the carpet I do get up and take him out. He is still only 5.5 months old so holding it can be rough especially when we go to bed about 8PM.

As for your situation - I would get up and take him out anytime you think he might have to go potty so you are encouraging the potty training and no potty in the house rule. So get up take him striaght out to the yard and wait a few mins. If he does not go potty I would gather him back up and go back to bed. If he has an accident then I would recommend putting him back in the crate after you offer the potty break and if he does not go then crate it is to minimize the accidents in the house. He will probably whine and cry so you have to choose sleep with him in the bed or listen to him whine in the crate. Sounds like he's probably just in the mood to play or be awake and you probably don't want to be so now is the time for your alpha to kick in and tell him what the routine is going to be. Bedtime at nightm playtime during the day. I would also recommend getting him more excerise right before bedtime. We play with Ollie right before bedtime to tucker him out. Works well. Good luck!

PS - Yes I moved the bed to the FLOOR FOR OLLIE. If that isn't devotion I don't know what is. LOL He had a broken leg at 4 months and so I had to keep him from jumping off things. We put the mattress on the floor to minimize accidents for him.
It's funny you mention this, as Ollie has started to change his wake up time to 4:15AM!!! Now we are an early rise family (5:30AM) but 4:15 is a little too early for my taste. He does the same thing, goes to the end of the bed or jumps off (mattress on floor so only about 18 inches from the carpet) and then I hear him and get up to take him out. Now he goes potty right away and then comes back in and usually gets a drink and then back to bed for another hour or so. Because I don't want an accident on the carpet I do get up and take him out. He is still only 5.5 months old so holding it can be rough especially when we go to bed about 8PM.

As for your situation - I would get up and take him out anytime you think he might have to go potty so you are encouraging the potty training and no potty in the house rule. So get up take him striaght out to the yard and wait a few mins. If he does not go potty I would gather him back up and go back to bed. If he has an accident then I would recommend putting him back in the crate after you offer the potty break and if he does not go then crate it is to minimize the accidents in the house. He will probably whine and cry so you have to choose sleep with him in the bed or listen to him whine in the crate. Sounds like he's probably just in the mood to play or be awake and you probably don't want to be so now is the time for your alpha to kick in and tell him what the routine is going to be. Bedtime at nightm playtime during the day. I would also recommend getting him more excerise right before bedtime. We play with Ollie right before bedtime to tucker him out. Works well. Good luck!

He had been going to bed at around 6:30 - 7 pm and would sleep through the night just fine. Normally he does not have to pee during the night but sometimes he will wake me up to go poop. This past week though he has not needed to go out. Now he falls asleep and then wakes up a couple hours later like it was just a nap. We have been trying to tire him out before bed and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Last night for instance, he walked out of my bedroom and went under the table and laid down like he was going to go to sleep. So I set up his bed in the kitchen and he did not like that at all. I brought him back into the room and then he went back to asleep.

And I have pillows on the floor at the edge of the bed. He was sleeping and fell/rolled right off the edge last night and scared me half to death. He was fine this time but now I am worried. He always starts sleeping all curled up with me, then moves to the edge of the bed and then at some point comes back to me. The thought of him falling off again makes me worry as I know how easily he can hurt himself. I love sleeping and cuddling with him but I don't want him to get hurt. Our bed is about 20 inches high.
I was thinking the same as Alice... he might need a walk or some play time to make sure his energy is 'out' before going to bed
He had been going to bed at around 6:30 - 7 pm and would sleep through the night just fine. Normally he does not have to pee during the night but sometimes he will wake me up to go poop. This past week though he has not needed to go out. Now he falls asleep and then wakes up a couple hours later like it was just a nap. We have been trying to tire him out before bed and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Last night for instance, he walked out of my bedroom and went under the table and laid down like he was going to go to sleep. So I set up his bed in the kitchen and he did not like that at all. I brought him back into the room and then he went back to asleep.

And I have pillows on the floor at the edge of the bed. He was sleeping and fell/rolled right off the edge last night and scared me half to death. He was fine this time but now I am worried. He always starts sleeping all curled up with me, then moves to the edge of the bed and then at some point comes back to me. The thought of him falling off again makes me worry as I know how easily he can hurt himself. I love sleeping and cuddling with him but I don't want him to get hurt. Our bed is about 20 inches high.

If it's only 20 inches off the ground I would not worry, I don't think he would get injured. Just shocked from the fall maybe. Ollie does that too, he starts right next to me and moves around the bed and then comes back and cuddles with me. A couple nights ago he came up and laid his neck and head over my neck....I got HOT after aboout 15 mins. I hated to move him but it was keeping me awake.

I would just keep doing what your doing. Sounds like he's just taking a nap and then waking up. He will adjust in time. Keep taking him out and then go straight back to bed. No play. Limit talking to him too. Keep us posted.
If it's only 20 inches off the ground I would not worry, I don't think he would get injured. Just shocked from the fall maybe. Ollie does that too, he starts right next to me and moves around the bed and then comes back and cuddles with me. A couple nights ago he came up and laid his neck and head over my neck....I got HOT after aboout 15 mins. I hated to move him but it was keeping me awake.

I would just keep doing what your doing. Sounds like he's just taking a nap and then waking up. He will adjust in time. Keep taking him out and then go straight back to bed. No play. Limit talking to him too. Keep us posted.

Hehehe, little Ollie has you wrapped around his little paws..... so cute!! I know what you mean about not wanting to disturb them! Sometimes I will sit on the sofa in the most uncomfortable position, just so Leo is comfy!! :)
Hehehe, little Ollie has you wrapped around his little paws..... so cute!! I know what you mean about not wanting to disturb them! Sometimes I will sit on the sofa in the most uncomfortable position, just so Leo is comfy!! :)

That happens to me too! I will be uncomfortable sitting on the couch but as long as Jax is comfy and happy, then that's all that matters! Sometimes I get stuck sleeping in the middle of the bed between Jax and my sig other because Jax will come cuddle with me, then he starts stretching out and kicking me over so I just let him have his way cause I don't want to disturb him.
That happens to me too! I will be uncomfortable sitting on the couch but as long as Jax is comfy and happy, then that's all that matters! Sometimes I get stuck sleeping in the middle of the bed between Jax and my sig other because Jax will come cuddle with me, then he starts stretching out and kicking me over so I just let him have his way cause I don't want to disturb him.

[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] What can I say? I'm in love!
Hehehe, little Ollie has you wrapped around his little paws..... so cute!! I know what you mean about not wanting to disturb them! Sometimes I will sit on the sofa in the most uncomfortable position, just so Leo is comfy!! :)

OMG I do that too!!! He totally has me wrapped around his little paws. I spoil him rotten! Normally I would have him completely trained by now, but I have not even started obedience training. Well, I do make him sit for his food each time, but that's not a big deal. He's not a runner and doe snot really leave my side much when we walk outside so I don't have to worry about heal much and in the house I'm carrying him up and down the stairs all the time. He cries at teh bottom of the stairs if I leave him. Even when there are other people downstairs. He's definately my dog, but that's how I wanted it.
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