Training people and your frenchie


New member
Jun 11, 2014
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I've been trying to socialize my puppy as much as I can. I've taken him to restaurants, dog parks, and petco. He's been doing really well but today in petco he was a pulling machine. I get it- he's super cute- but I don't want him lunging and pulling at everyone he sees. I try I get him to sit before I'm predicting someone will "attack" him but it's hard. No one asks to pet him and everyone wants to grab him. I was checking out and had him, my purse, dog food and cat food and I was trying to get him to sit while the woman behind me kept saying come here! And was bending down. Did she not hear me or do they just not care? Anyone else have this??
It's hard with a pup as they love attention, plus people just don't get it. Just be patient and keep the training up, he will get it one day.
A whole lot of people don't listen or think! It is so good that you are socializing your pup!
:facepalm: most people do not understand .... keep up the good work, he will get it, even if the humans don't
Yes, I have the same issue with Olive when we are out and about. She craves the attention and people are just plain clueless...that combo can lead to some major fustration on our end as owners. Just keep doing what you are doing!!

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Socializing your pup is the BEST thing you can do for yourself and your dog. You will be grateful later for having a well adjust pup that you can take anywhere. Let him see people and understand he is going to jump and get excited. Train the sit and stay when you are home in a quiet setting. But when in public right now while he's a pup. Just allow him to get excited. He won't be little long. Enjoy it. My Batty is 12 weeks and does the same thing. We take him everywhere right now. Home Depot, Lazy Dog Restaurant, Breakfast on the patio at Kimmie's Coffee Cup, The beach. I did the same with Ollie and it was the best thing I ever did. He is a very well adjusted dog and loves people and other dogs. I can take him anywhere.