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Update on Bella


New member
Dec 4, 2013
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My sweet girl is doing so well! We decided to stick with the Goodwinol and shampoo for her Demodectic Mange spot, adding in some immune system boosting vitamins and some yogurt. After two weeks the spot is many times less thick, no longer red and hair is growing back. :) Doctor was pleased and I am happy I listened to my gut and friends to not do the toxic dip!

As for the vertebrae malformation, we have spoken to two different neurologists, both of which have said since this was a chance finding (found during X-ray for her UTI to make sure no stones) and she is not symptomatic then they don't need to see her. We have decided to take her to a vet rehab, so she goes there in two weeks. There they will help build up the muscles of her legs and back to hopefully, fingers crossed, prevent pain in her vertebrae. This and keeping her lean will help us in the end. Obviously there is no guarantee she won't have problems later, but at least we did all we could!

Thanks for all the love on her! I love being able to talk to fellow Frenchie owners, you give the best advice! Here is a picture of her today staring at me while I was eating! Haha...her little old man pose!

~ Loving life with our Frenchie
LOVE that picture!

Great update and best of luck with the therapy.... best you can do is keep her weight under control, that really does help with Banks' issues
So glad to hear this. You definitely have to go with your gut sometimes! I can relate. Awesome pic!!!
My English Bulldog Mack's spine was fusing together; we became aware of it when he was 3 and being x-rayed for something else. We got the same advice, keep his weight down and make sure he gets exercise and stays fit. He was x-rayed again 4 years later and the fusing had continued up his spine. Mack's front half was very powerful and as he aged he modified some things to compensate for his weakened back half, but he was still able to jump up on the couch, etc!

I am so glad Bella is winning the battle with mange! I love that picture of your pretty girl!
So glad to hear she is doing better. Love the picture!
Great to hear she is doing better! She's a beauty!

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So happy she is doing well, that is some great news. I hope the therapy works for her.
Very good news. Sounds like you have a great plan!

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