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Update on Cheli's palate surgery


Staff member
Apr 6, 2013
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just hung up with our vet.... Cheli has 3/4 of an inch of palate tissue hanging in his throat !!! :eek:

And, his nares are very tight, so they will be widening them as well. All else looks great and I will get a call after the procedure is completed.

This would definitely explain the apnea!
I'll be praying for good news, he's going to feel like a whole new boy after this.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
I am really surprised at the amount of tissue in that little mouth.... poor boy, had to be worse than I ever imagined for him to breathe.
You may need to change his name to Onigo Boingo. Think of the energy he'll have especially after a good night's rest.:babysleep:
Wow, I bet he will feel like a new boy after that's over!
Your little man is going to feel like a brand new little man! Paws crossed for fast healing!
Hoping everything went well. He is going to feel much better now.
[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] you'd better warn Banks that she's going to be putting up with a much more energetic Cheli in a few days!
Hope the surgery went perfect and my pal is feeling great
My little buddy is home ... all cuddled up next to me on the couch. All went great.. he has limited activity for 10 days and soft food only for 4 days.

I am just very happy he is home tonight,
Sweet, so happy he is home and everything went well. Now the hard part, keeping him quiet for the next few days.
My little buddy is home ... all cuddled up next to me on the couch. All went great.. he has limited activity for 10 days and soft food only for 4 days.

I am just very happy he is home tonight,

So glad he's home! Give him a big kiss from me

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
I'm happy for both of you. Enjoy your cuddle and spoiling him for the next 10 days. Milk shakes? Kind of like having your tonsils out?
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