Update on Nola


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Oct 14, 2013
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Well, we took Nola to the vet this AM. It was her first visit to our vet. She did great! The vet says she is covered in yeast and probably didn't have issues in Mississippi because it wasn't as wet there. I live in south Louisiana and it's humid and damp. She gave prednisone and a spray. She told me to give yogurt and Zyrtec (1/2 a 10mg tablet) daily. I've been giving 1 tablespoon of pumpkin and 1/4 teaspoon of coconut oil. She sold us some shampoo (dermalyte, I think) that I will use tonight. I ordered the Malacetic Otis cleanser on Amazon. Also, her Fromm food shipped today so, maybe we can start adding it this weekend. Oh she dropped in weight too. From 19 lbs to 18.2 lbs. :(

Thanks for any and all advice and suggestions.
So good to hear you got some news and a path to follow for happiness :)
Please let us know how Nola progresses.
I am glad she is on the mend!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like a good start at getting her better! Yeast is troublesome for sure!

You can also do a white vinegar and water rinse after bathing, helps kill the yeastie beasties! Just add a cup to 2 gallons of water and douse her with it. Don't worry she won't stink like vinegar after the smell goes away.

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Okay, dumb question time, what exactly are the yeastie beasties? LOL Just so I know what to look for if my baby has a yeast problem...... :detective:
Okay, dumb question time, what exactly are the yeastie beasties? LOL Just so I know what to look for if my baby has a yeast problem...... :detective:

It thrives in wet, moist areas... for my EB it is under her tail, in her folds and paws. White potato, in my opinion, adds to it (starch)... need to clean with drying agent (witch hazel, apple cider vinegar/water). ... those help to kill the bacteria

Well, we took Nola to the vet this AM. It was her first visit to our vet. She did great! The vet says she is covered in yeast and probably didn't have issues in Mississippi because it wasn't as wet there. I live in south Louisiana and it's humid and damp. She gave prednisone and a spray. She told me to give yogurt and Zyrtec (1/2 a 10mg tablet) daily. I've been giving 1 tablespoon of pumpkin and 1/4 teaspoon of coconut oil. She sold us some shampoo (dermalyte, I think) that I will use tonight. I ordered the Malacetic Otis cleanser on Amazon. Also, her Fromm food shipped today so, maybe we can start adding it this weekend. Oh she dropped in weight too. From 19 lbs to 18.2 lbs. :(

Thanks for any and all advice and suggestions.

Well, you sure have her on the right track. My girl suffers with yeast issue too... try to avoid white potato and as you know wipe the paws when they come in from outside.
I'm glad you have a plan. Good luck!

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Sounds like the vet has you lined out and she will be better in no time.