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Who Would Be Interested in a Christmas Ornament Exchange?


Apr 23, 2013
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On EBN (FBN sister site) we have done an ornament exchange for Christmas in past years. What I want to know is who would be interested in partaking in this for FBN? We need to get a feel for how many members would be interested so we can decide whether or not to proceed. :)

Basically we sign up, you will be given the address of a person to buy an ornament for, you buy an ornament and ship it to them. Super fun and a good way to get to know each other.

So...anybody interested?
Bah-humbug here! I love to exchange Christmas cards but don't do ornaments because we don't even put up a Christmas tree anymore. The kids and grandkids always have Christmas at home, and then provided the weather is okay for travel and people have time off from work, come for a visit after Christmas.
oh I will, is it any ornament or Christmas decoration? either way I'm in :)
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