1.5 year old today but still pees inside!


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Sep 23, 2020
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What is wrong with this dog?!?!

Or maybe it's us.

Fortunately I don't remember Charlie's last poop accident inside, so that's good there.

She can clearly hold her pee and poop 10+ hours, overnight. Sometimes she does wake up to go potty in the middle of the night. She'll knock on the bedroom door. If we don't hear or respond, she'll whine a little bit to wake us up.

I still have to crate her 3-4 times a week for about 4-5 hours when we are not home. Sometimes we catch her on the camera whining or howling. Some days, it's not so bad and she sleeps the majority of the time.

Feeling more confident, we tried leaving her out of the crate for this duration last week. 1st day, everything seemed fine. What I did find curious is that she was still howling and whining a bit. Thought the expanded freedom would lower her anxiety.

2nd day, found a puddle of pee leading to our backdoor and same howling and whining.

Back into the crate she goes.

Sometimes my partner likes to leave the backdoor open so Charlie can go out whenever she wants. I close it so I want Charlie to be able to hold her pee until I tell her to go potty or she tells me she has to go. I've also had her pee inside by the backdoor less than an hour after letting her out. Last month, I watched her go to her water bowl, drink and turns to the door and starts peeing. Since I caught her in the act, I was able to correct that time. Other times, she'll go to the back and sit next to the door letting us know. It's obvious she knows she's suppose to go outside.

I don't get it.

Hello -
I would first take her to the vet to make sure she does not have a UTI. If that isn't the case, I would highly recommend starting from scratch with potty training. French Bulldogs can be harder to potty train than other breeds. There are adults that still will go inside the house and need a refresher. It is critical to get her on a routine so that she knows what to expect and can anticipate when it is time to go. I had to do this with mine when I adopted her at age 1 and she was peeing everywhere inside the house. My dog is highly food motivated, so I found a treat that would be considered "high value." She only gets this coveted treat at potty time. We started back to basics and went outside every hour, and when she went potty outside, I went bananas with the praise and pets, and gave her one of these treats. Gradually I obviously increased the amount of time between trips outside. I took her to the same place outside as well. It took no time at all, for her to realize what was happening. She would go right to the spot, pee and then sit and wait for her treat. You can even add a command, like "go potty," which comes in really handy when there is inclement weather. If it is raining, I run her outside and say "go potty!" and she'll go immediately, to get back inside where it is dry.

Being on a schedule or as close to one as possible, is really going to help your endeavor. And consistency is absolute key. Mine goes out immediately after waking in the morning, then an hour after she eats, then four hours later, four hours after that, and then before bed. It is generally good practice to take your dog out after a rough play session, after eating, and after sleeping and/or being crated.

I cannot stress a routine enough. If your dog can learn to anticipate being let outside, her body can regulate and she can "hold it" because she knows she will be let out soon. Of course, accidents can and will happen (like if she guzzles more water than normal).

Thoroughly wash or throw out any bedding that even has a hint of urine smell. Have your carpets professionally cleaned if you have any that she has peed on. Good luck to you both!
Hello -
I would first take her to the vet to make sure she does not have a UTI. If that isn't the case, I would highly recommend starting from scratch with potty training. French Bulldogs can be harder to potty train than other breeds. There are adults that still will go inside the house and need a refresher. It is critical to get her on a routine so that she knows what to expect and can anticipate when it is time to go. I had to do this with mine when I adopted her at age 1 and she was peeing everywhere inside the house. My dog is highly food motivated, so I found a treat that would be considered "high value." She only gets this coveted treat at potty time. We started back to basics and went outside every hour, and when she went potty outside, I went bananas with the praise and pets, and gave her one of these treats. Gradually I obviously increased the amount of time between trips outside. I took her to the same place outside as well. It took no time at all, for her to realize what was happening. She would go right to the spot, pee and then sit and wait for her treat. You can even add a command, like "go potty," which comes in really handy when there is inclement weather. If it is raining, I run her outside and say "go potty!" and she'll go immediately, to get back inside where it is dry.

Being on a schedule or as close to one as possible, is really going to help your endeavor. And consistency is absolute key. Mine goes out immediately after waking in the morning, then an hour after she eats, then four hours later, four hours after that, and then before bed. It is generally good practice to take your dog out after a rough play session, after eating, and after sleeping and/or being crated.

I cannot stress a routine enough. If your dog can learn to anticipate being let outside, her body can regulate and she can "hold it" because she knows she will be let out soon. Of course, accidents can and will happen (like if she guzzles more water than normal).

Thoroughly wash or throw out any bedding that even has a hint of urine smell. Have your carpets professionally cleaned if you have any that she has peed on. Good luck to you both!

totally agree… well stated
All three of ours are almost a year and a half and someone (not sure who of the 3) has decided to start peeing on the rug again (thank goodness we invested in Ruggables so I can just toss in the washer). This is really super annoying since they have doggie doors and can go out any time they please. Like the OP we don't have any poops though, thank goodness. Guess I get to go with them and get really super excited when they pee outside again, ugh.
Definitely have her checked for a UTI first. But my female bulldog who is about 18 months old will still sometimes pee in the house at night despite going beforehand and I know she can hold it as well. She doesn’t care. I have waterproof blankets all over the couch and on the dog beds so if she goes, I just have to wash the blankets.

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Well the last time she was at the vet was around Jan or Feb for her annual checkup and shots. We also had them do an orthopedic inspect in March since we changed insurance. Is UTI something that will be obvious to the vets in their tests?

I dont think she has an UTI but then again, I'm not sure what the signs are for that. She holds her pee just fine the majority of the time. When I see her pee, it sometimes seems like it's pulsing out instead of a steady stream. Just cant be trusted for long periods of time if not in the crate. For example, we left her along for about 1.5 hrs the other day outside her crate and no issue. While we're home and paying attention, she wont need to go out until I tell her to. We keep her on a pretty decent schedule. This is almost her routine daily, 5 days of the week. The other 2 when my partner is home, the backdoor is opened to allow her to run freely.

Pee/poop in the morning walk daily. ~8AM

Crate until about 1PM, when she's let out to go potty. Typically pees only. Sometimes will poop depending on the mood.

Walk at 4:30-5PM, where she will pee and poop, if she didnt earlier.

Then pee and sometimes poop at 10-11PM.

With this, she typically wont wake up in the middle of the night to go outside. Sometimes she will though but she always let us know. She does sleep in the bed with us.

I guess we havent been celebrating her potty outside as much as we did early on. We can start doing that again and giving her treats.

When I caught her the last time, as stated in the original post, I corrected her. I told her "no". She stopped halfway and I said, go potty outside and opened the door for her to run out back and she finished there.

She does have this pimple or something on the tip of her labia. It's almost on the very tip but facing the front. Been wiping it with some sort of medicated wipes to see if it helps.
Short bursts of pee and not a steady stream could be indicative of a UTI. Dribbling pee, etc...UTIs are very painful for people, I am assuming it is the same for a dog. A quick test at the vet to check for a UTI should not be costly. The pimple thing you are seeing should also be looked at to ensure that is not contributing to these potty incidents. Having the door opened only some days of the week might be confusing for her as she might be going potty at other times of the day that you did not list (so, she could actually be relieving herself more often than you may think, 2 days a week).

My dog is now 4 and she still gets a "Good girl!" and treats every single time she goes potty because I know these guys can be notorious for eliminating where ever they please. She has not had a single accident since her initial arrival at our house, but again, I treat every time and have her on a really set schedule. Hope you see improvement soon!
So far so good. Been leaving her out of the crate for several hours a day and no mess.

The celebrating of potties seem to be worry.
Well hell. Everything has been going so well. Then 2 accidents this week. We've been leaving our bedroom door open at night for months now bc we found she likes to get away if we cough or sneeze at night. Or when she gets too hot. She'll sleep on the cough for 15-30 mins and come back to bed. The first several times, we inspected for any mischief with zero issues. If she had to go potty, she would paw or knock on the door. Once in a while, huff to wake us up.

A few days ago, I had a feeling when she got up in the middle of the night. Went to look at her and she was just cuddle on tye corner of the couch and left her alone. In the morning, I could smell the urine odor. It was still slightly damp where I found her overnight. The reason I got up to inspect in the first place was she drank a bunch of water before bed but since she didn't tell us she needed to go potty, didnt expect it.

Well, it happened again but other side of couch. This time right before bed, she had a massive case of the zoomies. We literally just came back from her walk. It was raining so she was still a tad damp after toweling off. The damp seems to trigger zoomies for her. Anyways, she didn't drink any water at all. Came right to bed. Thinking she'll be knocked out all night now. A couple hours later, I feel her get off the bed. I listen to see if she'll drink water but nope. A couple scratches and silent for a min and she comes back....

Got up to see and feel around. That's when I discovered the wet spot.

Ugh, wtf. I can see how the first time was our fault but this is so damn annoying. I wonder if she's acting out bc she stopped getting her FreshPet food and back to her kibble.

Back to basics again I guess. We've also closed our bedroom door again.
I know it is so frustrating, but I would definitely go back to basics and also rule out any medical reason for the setback.
My two year old female bulldog frequently pees in her bed at night. I know how frustrating it is! Every morning when I get up the first thing I do is check all the blankets and beds for pee. And I know she can hold it because she has plenty of times but for whatever reason, some nights she pees. I’ve kind of given up and just constantly wash blankets.

But you should definitely have her checked for a UTI.

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We've only just picked up our new french bulldog, her name is Tilly, however, it took around 2 years to properly train our Dachshund!

It's hard work but with consistency, you'll get there. :)
Wow this thread is 1 years old now. Happy to report, so far so good still. I still dont trust her 100% at night so we still keep the bedroom door closed until she scratches it to go out. And even then, she hides in her little den instead of going outside. :unsure: But since she woke up at me 3AM or whatever it is, I force her outside by clipping her onto a leash, then she will get out of her den to go outside.

We also dont leave her home longer than 5 hours. The wife was out of town for the past couple of weeks, so it's just been Charlie and me. When I'm at work, I come home on my lunch break to let her outside to go potty and go back to work.
Wow this thread is 1 years old now. Happy to report, so far so good still. I still dont trust her 100% at night so we still keep the bedroom door closed until she scratches it to go out. And even then, she hides in her little den instead of going outside. :unsure: But since she woke up at me 3AM or whatever it is, I force her outside by clipping her onto a leash, then she will get out of her den to go outside.

We also dont leave her home longer than 5 hours. The wife was out of town for the past couple of weeks, so it's just been Charlie and me. When I'm at work, I come home on my lunch break to let her outside to go potty and go back to work.

That’s good she is much better!

At some point they will still have an accident in the house, Rusty has been house trained since 1 month after I got him(16 weeks he was fully trained to go outside), but when he had crystals in urine or was mad about something he peed a little in the house. But that was 2 times since being fully house trained, but what I’m saying is they will have the odd time where they pee in the house.
Wow this thread is 1 years old now. Happy to report, so far so good still. I still dont trust her 100% at night so we still keep the bedroom door closed until she scratches it to go out. And even then, she hides in her little den instead of going outside. :unsure: But since she woke up at me 3AM or whatever it is, I force her outside by clipping her onto a leash, then she will get out of her den to go outside.

We also dont leave her home longer than 5 hours. The wife was out of town for the past couple of weeks, so it's just been Charlie and me. When I'm at work, I come home on my lunch break to let her outside to go potty and go back to work.

Does she still vomit foam In The middle of the night or morning since you give her a snack before bed??? Just curious as to how that’s working out😊
Damn it. She peed on the couch/blanket sometime the past 3 days. Reason we know it was within this time frame bc the blankets were washed.

It's either in the middle of the night or when we're at work. We've been leaving the door open bc it's warm at night. When she gets up in the middle of the night, it's from me coughing or she's tired of the fan blowing on her. We'll check on her in the living room and she'll be in her den or curled up on the couch.

We're 99% sure she's not doing it while we are active and present. She'll go to the door and sit staring at us when she needs to go.
Damn it. She peed on the couch/blanket sometime the past 3 days. Reason we know it was within this time frame bc the blankets were washed.

It's either in the middle of the night or when we're at work. We've been leaving the door open bc it's warm at night. When she gets up in the middle of the night, it's from me coughing or she's tired of the fan blowing on her. We'll check on her in the living room and she'll be in her den or curled up on the couch.

We're 99% sure she's not doing it while we are active and present. She'll go to the door and sit staring at us when she needs to go.

Oh no!

Other than this incident, has she been doing this lately???

Does she seem to need outside more often?

If that’s unusual for her to pee in the house and to know she peed on the blanket/couch, and if she is peeing more often? That might mean urine Crystals or a UTI?

I would keep an eye on that, especially if she is house trained and is starting to pee more often, if it continues maybe take a urine sample to the vet to check for urine crystals or a UTI.

Charlie, no more peeing on the couch!☹️
Oh no!

Other than this incident, has she been doing this lately???

Does she seem to need outside more often?

If that’s unusual for her to pee in the house and to know she peed on the blanket/couch, and if she is peeing more often? That might mean urine Crystals or a UTI?

I would keep an eye on that, especially if she is house trained and is starting to pee more often, if it continues maybe take a urine sample to the vet to check for urine crystals or a UTI.

Charlie, no more peeing on the couch!☹️
Nothing unusual otherwise.

Curious though. Do dogs "leak" or drip pee? We've notice sometimes in the mornings or when she hasn't been out for hours, we'll see a small bead or moisture on the tip of her vulva. BTW, she has a HUGE vulva lol. Not bc she's in heat or anything. When she was in heat, it was so swollen.
It just looks large on her tiny body.
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Nothing unusual otherwise.

Curious though. Do dogs "leak" or drip pee? We've notice sometimes in the mornings or when she hasn't been out for hours, we'll see a small bead or moisture on the tip of her vulva. BTW, she has a HUGE vulva lol. Not bc she's in heat or anything. When she was in heat, it was so swollen.
It just looks large on her tiny body.

Yes they can leak/drip, that’s usually referred to as ‘incontinence’. That’s common in female dogs, especially spayed ones are more at risk for it.

If it happens rarely, then I wouldn’t worry about it.
What is wrong with this dog?!?!

Or maybe it's us.

Fortunately I don't remember Charlie's last poop accident inside, so that's good there.

She can clearly hold her pee and poop 10+ hours, overnight. Sometimes she does wake up to go potty in the middle of the night. She'll knock on the bedroom door. If we don't hear or respond, she'll whine a little bit to wake us up.

I still have to crate her 3-4 times a week for about 4-5 hours when we are not home. Sometimes we catch her on the camera whining or howling. Some days, it's not so bad and she sleeps the majority of the time.

Feeling more confident, we tried leaving her out of the crate for this duration last week. 1st day, everything seemed fine. What I did find curious is that she was still howling and whining a bit. Thought the expanded freedom would lower her anxiety.

2nd day, found a puddle of pee leading to our backdoor and same howling and whining.

Back into the crate she goes.

Sometimes my partner likes to leave the backdoor open so Charlie can go out whenever she wants. I close it so I want Charlie to be able to hold her pee until I tell her to go potty or she tells me she has to go. I've also had her pee inside by the backdoor less than an hour after letting her out. Last month, I watched her go to her water bowl, drink and turns to the door and starts peeing. Since I caught her in the act, I was able to correct that time. Other times, she'll go to the back and sit next to the door letting us know. It's obvious she knows she's suppose to go outside.

I don't get it.


That is a lovely dog you have there :) Is she 1.5 year old in the picture? What's this colour called? I guess its considered an exotic colour as I didn't see it when looking for a puppy.