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Be aware of your surroundings...

Wow, that's scary. I'm glad Stella hates walks. LOL
If Norm sees another dog or person while we are out walking he gets so excited. And by excited I mean barks like crazy, pulls very hard. He sounds and acts like he's going to attack but If I would let him go he would just run over and jump and lick you. Most people cross the street or turn around when they see him.
I'm glad I live in a safe place and so many people know my dogs! They are pretty recognizable in this county of 7,000 people! The fear of being dognapped would never stop me from walking my dogs!
Glad he was found. You just never know when some sorry SOB will steal your baby. Always have to be on your toes. That's why I'm glad we live in a gated community.
so glad he was found..... we live on an acre of land with about 3/4 of it fenced in ... no need to walk unless we want to, but we are always in the yard with them too
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