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Breathing problems

I Love Louie

New member
Oct 13, 2013
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As you all know Louie is going yo have stenotic nares surgery when he gets neutered however I think he might have elongated soft pallet too. My concern is which of those would cause more breathing problems?

I feel so bad for Louie because he is very restless when he is trying to fall asleep. It's like he can't get comfortable and he gasps for air through his mouth and he actually looks really sad and uncomfortable. Which problem would be causing this discomfort more??? Please help so worried about my baby!! This has been going in for awhile.

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I am so sorry Louie has these problems. Your vet should be able to tell you which condition is more critical. I have not had experience with nares but have with elongated pallet and there are degrees of the problem from mild to severe. Laser surgery is much easier on the patient.
it would be the palate, it blocks the airway at times which can lead to apnea.

My boy had the reduction and nares widened at the same time... it HELPS, it does not totally eliminate the issues. Cheli is doing very well , has loads of energy and nothing stops him, but his apnea still exist just not any where near as bad as it was pre-surgery.
They both can cause this. Your vet should be angle to tell if his palate is too long. If it is, then I would have them both done.
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