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Breeder Problem...PLEASE HELP

wv girl

New member
Sep 11, 2013
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I'm just looking for a opinion on a situation with a puppy. I purchased a male Frenchie in April of this year, from a breeder in Missouri. He came with AKC registration, health certificate, 1 year health guarantee, and microchip. This was the second frenchie I purchased from this breeder, the first was bought in Jan. We drove to Missouri to pick up Jack (the male) and when we picked him up, he had a "rattle" in his chest when he would breathe. He had been bottle fed and was still being bottle fed 2 times a day, so it was thought he had a small cold. After returning home, we took him to our vet and he was given antibiotics, then later on Claritin for the breathing issues. On his first trip to the vet, he was 9 weeks old and weighed 4.5 lbs. We decided that due to his weight and breathing issues, we would wait until he was older to have him tested for other problems. He's now 7 months and 18 pounds. This week, he was sent to Va Tech college to be examined and it was determined he had a severe elongated palate and needed surgery. The breeder had been aware by multiple emails about the breathing issues with him, but she went around the issue. She had called her vet and returned the call telling me to let him wait to see if he grew out of this. I contacted her and sent the copy of the surgical veterinarians diagnosis, along with the receipt where we paid the $2200 for the surgery. Her reply to this email was to send him back to her and that way we would save at least half the amount we would have spent with the purchase price and surgery expense. I think it was misunderstood that we'd already paid for the surgery but after having him 5 months, I had no intention of sending him back. He's part of the family and we wouldn't send one of our kids back because of a medical bill, no more than we would him. I understand that most breeders do not cover this problem with a pup on the guarantee but is that still true if they were showing signs at the time of purchase? We assumed he was ok since her vet signed he was healthy. We have been given the run around with this breeder with other issues as well, for example, the puppy that we bought in Jan has still not received the AKC puppy registration form. So, she's not registered yet and we received the second puppy's form in the mail from her and it stated him as being brindle and he's a cream color. I'm just not sure what to do at this point about the breeder and any advice would be appreciated. I've been told that AKC needs to be aware of the sale of puppies that are showing this defect this early in life and the breeder still using the parents. I realize that you're not a breeding program and may not be able to answer my questions or be able to help. I would just hate for someone else to find themselves in this position and not be able to afford the surgery, therefore would have to relinquish their puppy to a rescue or let the puppy suffer later on in life.
I am not experienced enough with the AKC paperwork, but others her are and will be along to provide some insight.

Unfortunately, the palate is a known issue with the breed and in most cases a vet will wait to do the surgery till the pup is 2 years old because they continue to grow and you do not want to have to do the procedure again. When we got Cheli, we were told at the time, he would need the procedure and our vet straight up said, he will struggle and rattle we breathing, when did the procedure in May of this year... he is much better, but not perfect.
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I would find a new breeder, one that breeds for health and temperament. My gut would want to report this breeder to the AKC but my brain says let it go. You could try and contact other people that have bought puppies from her and ask about health. You sound like a great pet owner and your baby will have a good life with you. Make sure he doesn't get overweight and overheated.

Welcome to the site!
Hmmmm sounds a little fishy to me. I have no experience with AKC, but I would try to report that breeder. It is so sad, but your situation is common, breeders out to make money off a poor defenseless soul. Maybe someone here can advise you.
Sounds fishy to me too. The papers is what gets me- and also coming from MO there is a lot of puppy mills in that area. puppy mills are everywhere but its just really bad there. I mean I know every marking and color in each of our pups we've had, and to not know what color your pup is bothers me. Plus no papers from the one before? Big red flags. I doubt you will be able to resolve anything with them to be honest, but I do hope you get some closure and hopefully you can at least talk them into helping pay for the surgery at this point... Because I highly doubt they will cover it at all. Best of luck to you and I do hope your precious baby is doing much better since the surgery.

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A good bully vet would have known about this palate problem before you even picked your baby up and the breeder should have told you about it. They should have either discounted the pup or offered to pay for part of the surgery. It sounds like a puppy mill to me since they misled you, plus they have the AKC paper work messed up. Sorry you had to fall victim to a mill, but I hope now that you have had the surgery done, you baby will have a healthier and happy life.
Poor puppy, I wouldn't be able to send him back either! It's horrible that people will take advantage like that - especially with someone (your bully's) life! I would want to know if someone I was buying a puppy from had sold someone else a puppy that wasn't healthy, and without paperwork to boot. From brindle to cream is a pretty big difference and hard to understand such a 'mistake'.

My thoughts are with you, I hope you're able to resolve your issues.
I would report them. Wrong paperwork and not telling you about a fundamental problem with the breed sounds more than fishy. Good luck with your baby, I would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes. I hope everything works out.
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