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chasing laser light


New member
Nov 11, 2013
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I discovered my frenchie Moolah loves chasing after those red laser light toys that cats love to chase.
Anyone elses frenchie like doing that???
YES!!Jax loves chasing it around but then I start to feel bad knowing that he is never going to catch it...lol.
Since our Bulldog is BEYOND obsessed with them, we can not use them in the house. I am sure Cheli would be just as nuts with it, but it is not worth Banks getting so worked up to try it.
That's too cute. I wonder if Stella would chase one?
Louie goes crazy! He even chases the reflection from my phone or watch. :)

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I discovered my frenchie Moolah loves chasing after those red laser light toys that cats love to chase.
Anyone elses frenchie like doing that???
I've not gotten one because I recall reading about a FBD up for adoption that the previous owner had used one with the dog and it had issues because of it. I don't recall all the issues but it would have been one of the rescues mentioned in the links on this site because they are the ones I follow and support. Maybe someone remembers the situation.
Buster likes chasing the light but does get really wound up. We don't get it out much.
Lucy LOVES IT! I think she may be part cat, she pounces on it LOL! good way to tire her out :)
Our cat Toffee and Winston love the laser light and will chase it everywhere. Hugo is not the slightest bit interested he just looks at the other 2 like they loopy :)
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