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Does your frenchie snore?


New member
Aug 30, 2013
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Does your frenchie snore? Babette rivals my husband in terms of loudness some nights! ... nights, days, car rides, can it be snoring if they're awake? :P
Buster doesn't snore yet but may when he is older, he is 9 months now. Ruggles (EB) started snoring some when he turned 6 years old!
Cheli snores and he has even had the palate reductions and nares widened... Snores and grunts all the time
Yes, Chester snores, nevertheless the more I exercise him and expands his lungs the less noisy snore he produces.
Woo, batman (Boston terrier) snores louder than anyone in the house, its quite impressive really.
If Mayhem is laying down he doesn't usually snore but when he is laying on his back he snores quite loudly!
That's part of the package & another reason why we all love frenchie :w00t:
Wilbur snores from time to time... depends on how he's sleeping. If he has his head hung over our arms or his head tucked down, then he tends to snore. He wakes us up and I have to put him on his side and position him in a certain angle to reduce the noise.
Chuckie snores louder than our 80 lb OEB... inhale and exhale :)
Ollie snores sometimes again depends on his position. If he is on his back and head all the way back he almost sounds like he can't get air and he wakes up usually. If on side or tummy - no noise. He did have the pallate reduction surgery too a few weeks ago.
The older Margie gets the worse her snoring gets at night. She is a very snorting/noise making kind of frenchie even while she is awake.... Sometimes when the dogs get done eating, she will put her flat face down into the carpet and snort so loud like she is trying to suck up the last little bit of crumbs someone might have dropped... literally looks and sounds like a vacuum cleaner!
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