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Doggy daycare


New member
Dec 26, 2013
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I take my older dog Sidney to doggy daycare for training and I would like to take Hotchkiss just for the day so he can get some extra socialization. He just finished his second round of shots so do you think it's too early for him to go? The staff said they keep all puppies in the office and don't let them interact with the older dogs until they get their rabies vaccine. I was thinking about taking Hotchkiss the next time I take Sid but idk if it's to early or not. I know it's important for them to have socialization early so that's why I was thinking of taking him now. Opinions? Here is a pic of my Sidney all worn out after 5 days of doggy daycare fun!
I had the same thoughts as you and started taking Louie to daycare at 14 weeks for a day here and there to help in socialization. I can't say for sure if it helped, but compared to other dogs his age he is much more calm and balanced. I'd say give it a shot. I'm happy I did.
Jax goes to daycare a couple times a month. The one Jax goes to requires a fecal test and bordetella every 6 months. He loves going and playing with the other dogs and usually sleeps for 2 days afterwards!
I would wait until he has had all of his shots, otherwise you are taking a risk.
I would wait a couple weeks after his last set of shots, just to be on the safe side.
I used to work at a do daycare... Best to wait twi weeks after done shots

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