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Eating Poop


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Sep 6, 2013
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Hello & Help!

I have two litter mate frenchies that are 6 months old and they love to eat their poop! I've had them since 11 weeks and this habit has not subsided. I've read that it is normal, I've tried giving them pumpkin and canned pineapple. No matter what I do, they still love to eat their poop. Can anyone offer advice?

Thank you,
I heard pineapple does help to stop it.... but i tagged a few members that may be able to give more advice.
Thank you. I'm trying to be patient. But, mine are both big kissers and cuddles and it so grosses me out!
Hmmm.... I find it strange that they are both doing it. What are you currently feeding? If it is not digesting well or they are being over fed it may be coming out smelling "appetizing" to them.... Their poops should be nice firm logs.
I am thinking the same as bullmama. I have never had this problem, thank god! But I heard of putting meat tenderizer on there food.
Maybe I'm over feeding them. I give them 2/3 cups 2x per day each. Poop is sometimes whole, but sometimes soft like mush. I also give them treats like natural balance biscuits or bananas or apples.
Maybe I'm over feeding them. I give them 2/3 cups 2x per day each. Poop is sometimes whole, but sometimes soft like mush. I also give them treats like natural balance biscuits or bananas or apples.

I have a few suggestions to try (not all at once)

Try cutting out the treats for a couple of days and see how the :poo: consistency is.

Try cutting back the food in one meal to 1/2 cup, or 'a little less than' 2/3 cup per feeding, limiting the treat intake.

Try switching foods to a different brand
Thanks. I was at pet store today and did not see the Fromms everyone on here is talking about. My vet is a bulldog specialist and had recommended Natural Balance, so that's what we have been using. I will order it online.
Thanks. I was at pet store today and did not see the Fromms everyone on here is talking about. My vet is a bulldog specialist and had recommended Natural Balance, so that's what we have been using. I will order it online.

Natural Balance was recently bought out by Del Monte and they have already changing some of their formulas to the carb being the first ingredient :down: Unfortunately when good foods are bought out by "big business" their quality goes south. Takes a while for everyone to realize it, if they even do.

Fromm is great! You can order just about any food from Petflow, and it is free shipping over $49, plus check out their specials and clearance when you check out cuz they always have great deals!
Please remember that even bulldog specialists --still just have a few weeks nutritional training in college, they get medical courses not nutritional, and vets get kickbacks from the pet food companies to sell the food that is better for the p[et food company to push, not whats good for the pet. Fromm does not waste money on advertising-- they let the food sell itself--advertising is the most expensive part of business---and there is a reason for spending that kind of money ------
Thanks. I was at pet store today and did not see the Fromms everyone on here is talking about. My vet is a bulldog specialist and had recommended Natural Balance, so that's what we have been using. I will order it online.
good point, and wellness used to be the same, Now --Fromm food has been family owned since it's conception back in 1904--and they feel the pet comes first !
I remember watching a Cesar episode where a dog ate its poop, something was missing from the diet and he trained the dog by giving him banana everyday. It's not always the same vitamin or mineral missing from their diet, but a whole food can help to replace the bad habit. I like the idea that you are already giving them banana :)
I can identify with your being grossed out. My EB Ruggles eats Buster's poop. I wash out Ruggles mouth with the hose after he's had a tootsie roll snack. We've tried everything including switching Buster to the same food Ruggles gets (Ruggles doesn't eat his own poop or any other dog poop) to no avail. The success we've had is getting the poop cleaned up before Ruggles gets to it which means I go out with Buster for his morning poop and we split the dogs up for his afternoon poop. It is a royal pain in the butt!
Both my dogs are fed the same food and same amount daily, but only the youngest one eats his poop! It is driving me crazy and he is such a cuddly and kisses boy it grosses me out also, any other solutions for this since only one of my dogs is eating it.
Thank you :)
Thank you, I will see if I can get it here and will try for sure. :)
We have a poop eater, and have tried everything. The best defense is pick it up as soon as they go.
We had this issue for the first 6 months. Had to be quick about picking it up. He must have grown out of it cuz he just stopped all of a sudden.

I've heard others just say to pour hotsauce on it, but if you have time to do that, why not just pick it up. LOL

Sorry, wish I could be more helpful. I do know its more common in puppies and they should grow out of it.

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Never a very fun problem to have. I don't have it with my frenchies, but had it with my bull terriers. Tried everything. The best solution is to pick it up immeidatley, which I know can be difficult at times. I used to brush their teeth if I knew they had eaten it. I like Drs. Foster and Smiths dental cleanser and sponges.
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