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Exercise for your adult frenchies


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Jul 3, 2013
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How much exercise do your adult Frenchies get/need? My breeder did not recommend taking him out for walks as they are very sensitive to the extreme weathers (too hot; too cold). While Wilbur is still a very young puppy, I'd like to get him used to going on short early morning and evening walks so we can train walking on a leash. I would be cautious of the weather conditions, but I think it would benefit the entire family if he was to enjoy the walks as much as he enjoys running indoors and the yard.

Just curious as to what others are doing to exercise their adult Frenchies...
They don't require much, and short walks are OK as long as it is not hot or cold out. I would just go a few blocks, and since he is young still, then maybe not even that long. Maybe just go a half a block at first.
Short walks are perfect as you stated early morning or evening. we have a large fenced in yard and Cheli gets lots of running time, but he is limited due to the temparures
Just to add to this,
be careful where you walk him until he's had all his vaccines
During the summer our walks aren't as long, thats if we go for one at all! But in the other months I take my Frenchie and my 3 year old English bully on a daily walk through a small woods in my town, we usually walk about a mile and a half but some days they are both eager to keep walking so we will go longer and some days they are both tired after half a mile so we will stop. In the winter my Frenchie is really sensitive to the cold so I will put a fleece sweatshirt on her when we take her for walks! You will get a good sense of how long or short your Frenchie can walk, it took me awhile to build them up to walking that much a day. :)
During the summer our walks aren't as long, thats if we go for one at all! But in the other months I take my Frenchie and my 3 year old English bully on a daily walk through a small woods in my town, we usually walk about a mile and a half but some days they are both eager to keep walking so we will go longer and some days they are both tired after half a mile so we will stop. In the winter my Frenchie is really sensitive to the cold so I will put a fleece sweatshirt on her when we take her for walks! You will get a good sense of how long or short your Frenchie can walk, it took me awhile to build them up to walking that much a day. :)

Ditto that. My boys love their walk and it is part of socializing them, too.
Thank you all for the input! On a side note mcraven2, that picture of princess, diva and gio is awesome. I want an English bully to join the family also, but the boss is a bit hesitant about getting bigger dogs. She's a lapdog kind of person. =/
English bulldogs are lap dogs, I have 2 :yes:
Thank you all for the input! On a side note mcraven2, that picture of princess, diva and gio is awesome. I want an English bully to join the family also, but the boss is a bit hesitant about getting bigger dogs. She's a lapdog kind of person. =/

Thank you! A rare moment that all 3 were sleeping so perfectly next to each other lol! And as [MENTION=46]Debra[/MENTION] said, English Bulldogs are lapdogs (or so they think), only they're 50lbs of lapdog! :)
I've also always loved english bulldogs! Currently we have two 70 pound mixed breed dogs and our new frenchie baby, so we are at maximum capacity ha. But if and when the time ever came to get another big dog I think we will definitely be considering an EB :) Especially after getting to know the kind of personalities bulldogs have, how can you not want another one right?!
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