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Family photo and Wilson update


Aug 20, 2013
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Here is one I took of the gang the other night. Are they spoiled, or what?


Wilson seems to continue improving (fingers and toes crossed). His appetite is much more typical of what I would expect with a Frenchie puppy these days. Boy... it's a wonder my husband and I are still on speaking terms. We have disagreed about every aspect of feeding: what to feed him, how much to feed him, how often to feed him... It's really just been one day at a time. He came off the first medication last weekend and we are planning on taking him off the 2nd medication this weekend, which will leave just the Nexium. He is eating the Blue Buffalo puppy food and I have just this week started crushing up Blue Buffalo puppy chow and adding it in. He even got hold a few whole pieces that missed getting crushed and managed to eat them. He is about 3lbs 11 oz. He really does have a good attitude and enjoys playing with both of his 'sisters'. He just doesn't have the reserves to go non-stop like Olivia. Hoping the weather will bounce back to normal VA temps and no more single digits....
What a great photo.... beautiful family shot!

Great progress on you little man.... :up:
:angelheart: Anne, I LOVE that photo!

That is such good news about Wilson's improvement! He is a tiny little guy, so precious! I hear you about disagreements with your husband on dog food. If it were up to my husband we'd be feeding whatever was on sale at the grocery store instead of NVI Ltd. Ingred.!
Great picture. So glad Wilson is continuing to improve.
Great photo and so glad to hear Wilson is doing better.
What a wonderful picture! So glad he's showing improvement.

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That's a great pic of them, and I'm glad Wilson is doing better, and hope he keeps doing well.
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