First time to Petco


New member
Jan 16, 2014
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We took Chewy to Petco for the first time last night & this is what we came home with..He looked so cute! But not happy with me at all!
Soooo funny!!! He he he, I may have to get Gidget a pair....
He is adorable in his new shoes! I tried that once with an EB, it took much longer for me to get them on him than for him to take them off!
Too cute, but I bet he doesn't like the shoes.
Oh my goodness! Such a cute photo but Chewy does not look happy.
Lol thanks! I figured he would have chewed them off or kicked them off but he just stood there & wouldn't move. They're cool because they zip in the back & the laces infront are adjustable. Took forever to get on.. When he did walk he looked like a giraffe!
:rofl: what a great outfit!! LOVE the sneakers
Lol he hates them! He won't walk in them, even for his favorite treats!