Frencie Obedience

Gracie just attended her fourth "good manners" class this evening. In truth she's doing well (she'd jump through a burning hoop for a treat). Our nemesis however, is something called "loose leash walking." You know, where the dog walks leisurely by your side with slack in the leash. We practiced that technique this evening. How embarrassing. Gracie takes center stage lunging ahead like a sled dog dragging a load. I pulled her back to the starting position -- by pull I mean she dropped to the floor and slid along as I tugged the leash. Good thing the floor is slippery. Anyway, after numerous false starts we walked slowly across the floor with me giving her a treat about every half second. The trainer literally said "keep those treats coming rapid fire." Finally she sort of got it (the treat thing again). So I was basking in the glow of success until it was time to leave. She lunged for the door and the sled dog emerged once again. I guess we need to keep practicing.
Lol... Cheli is the same way... he is a struggle to keep next to me,. I bought a martingale collar and that has made a slight difference. He still wants to pull the sled, but it is less

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I'll have to give the martingale a try. Otherwise we will continue to engage in "taut leash walking."
When Loki and I begin the second set of obedience training classes, loose leash walking will be a focus.

Is Gracie wearing a collar or a harness for training sessions?
I've ended up wrapping the leash around Buster's belly so when he pulls his boy parts get squished and he doesn't like that so he stays close! That is the only thing that works on my sled dog!
Mattcantwin, Gracie wears a harness and a flimsy mesh one at that. I'm kinda afraid she'll strangle herself with a collar, but I guess that's the point.
Jax pulls a little at the beginning of a walk but will calm down after a bit. He can only wear a harness now because of his discs in his neck. I’m trying to find a nice padded one for him.

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Mattcantwin, Gracie wears a harness and a flimsy mesh one at that. I'm kinda afraid she'll strangle herself with a collar, but I guess that's the point.

I saw an idea the other day where they recommend using a "coupler" and joining it to BOTH a front clip harness and their neck collar. That way it gives you a little more control over the dog, but doesn't potentially injure their necks or restrict the airflow.

I've never tried it (with Gus, I'm mainly doing the pulling, lol), but I thought it looked like a great idea - especially, for a lunger, like a know a few ppl have here.

The idea is from A Sound Beginning FB page. I couldn't do a direct link to the post.
Gracie wears a harness and a flimsy mesh one at that. I'm kinda afraid she'll strangle herself with a collar, but I guess that's the point.

Loki has two harnesses.

On this one, the leash attaches underneath, at the chest.


It is an Easy Walk harness.

He tends not to pull as much when wearing this one.

However, when he sees something he "must have" and gets frantic he comes close to slipping out.

The other harness fits more securely, velcro-ed around his body and the leash attaches in a more "typical" location.

(no picture handy of this one)

He pulls much more in that harness, but is better secured in it.
Mattcantwin, I've never seen one like that. I'll try that first. It looks like it might work on her.
Loki has two harnesses.

On this one, the leash attaches underneath, at the chest.

It is an Easy Walk harness.

He tends not to pull as much when wearing this one.

However, when he sees something he "must have" and gets frantic he comes close to slipping out.

The other harness fits more securely, velcro-ed around his body and the leash attaches in a more "typical" location.

(no picture handy of this one)

He pulls much more in that harness, but is better secured in it.

The coupler idea was partly presented in that post I saw as a way to be doubley secure in the event of a harness slip.
I do think it's a great idea. Does the harness take most of the pressure until there is a slip?
Mattcantwin, I've never seen one like that. I'll try that first. It looks like it might work on her.

Worth trying.

When we bought Loki's, a store employee adjusted the harness to fit him and showed us how to put it on and take it off.

There are a couple of plastic locking-clasps at work, and it is not all that intuitive which one to use.

Once you get the hang of it, it's relatively an easy on and off process.

Here's another pic, at the end of the leash, ears back - he doesn't enjoy pulling as much in this.

Gracie just attended her fourth "good manners" class this evening. In truth she's doing well (she'd jump through a burning hoop for a treat). Our nemesis however, is something called "loose leash walking." You know, where the dog walks leisurely by your side with slack in the leash. We practiced that technique this evening. How embarrassing. Gracie takes center stage lunging ahead like a sled dog dragging a load. I pulled her back to the starting position -- by pull I mean she dropped to the floor and slid along as I tugged the leash. Good thing the floor is slippery. Anyway, after numerous false starts we walked slowly across the floor with me giving her a treat about every half second. The trainer literally said "keep those treats coming rapid fire." Finally she sort of got it (the treat thing again). So I was basking in the glow of success until it was time to leave. She lunged for the door and the sled dog emerged once again. I guess we need to keep practicing.

Loki had an issue with loose leash walking too. He always wanted to pull me around. I would sit there for a minute or two until he calmed down. Or I would keep a treat in my hand so he could smell it and I would give it to him every now and then. I would always click if he was doing food!
I have tried just stopping when Gracie pulls. It becomes kind of an amusing stand-off. I'll be stopped, the leash will be stretched to it's limits and she's practically laying on her side pulling in whatever direction she's trying to go. She will eventually capitulate and I give her a treat. But this repeats like every other minute on a walk -- exhausting for us both. It's amazing how hard a 16 lb dog can pull. The good news is that she's doing a little better with loose leash walking. She's been a bit lethargic of late because she's in heat so I'm hoping our progress is sustained once that's over.
This is so true I couldn’t stop laughing 😂

- - - Updated - - -

:DThis is so true I couldn’t stop laughing 😂
Something a few people have mentioned already, but we too bought Kara a front loop/easy walk harness because in her 3 months old pup days she used to pull when excited. I actually never ended up using the front loop of her harness because as she got older, she started realising that pulling doesn't get her anywhere. I would stop and make her sit until she calmed, then keep her on a very short lead. She is now a great little walker but still has bad days once in a blue moon.

I don't have much of an advice, unfortunately but I wanted to ask how old is Gracie now? I am anticipating Kara's heat but crossing my fingers it doesn't come before we schedule her spay.
So sorry for not replying sooner. I haven't been on for a while. Gracie had just turned 10 months when she went into heat.