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Dana M

New member
Aug 28, 2013
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I was wondering if gas is just to be expected with this breed or If I should try a different food. Jedi has a lot of gas when he is sleeping.
It could be his food, but this breed is generally known for being gassy. :bad: Maybe some other experienced Frenchie owners will chime in here, but it is definitely one of their characteristics. :)
Most likely the food or something you are adding/giving as a treat. what are you currently feeding and how old is Jedi?
I would think its the food, mine don't have gas but if I change their food to a non grain free then watch out!!! Peeeeeeheeeeew!

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Jedi is around 7 months. I am feeding him Acana ranchland. For treats he is getting some cheese flavored grain free treats and wellness small soft grain free treats for training. I have only had him around a month so I was also wondering if it may take a little for his stomach to get used to the food. My Cane corso does really well on the Acana and I would like them to eat the same thing but I feel like with how bad the gas is that his tummy must feel bad and I hate to do that to him.
Babetty has horrible gas when she's on a food that doesn't do well with her tummy. Other than that she's usually not too bad. :)
First I would change his treats and see if that helps. We give ours Fruitables and they love them. You can get them from PetFlow, or some pet food stores carry them. If that doesn't help then it the food he is on.
I am going to have to try the Fruitables suggestion because Margie's gas some days is unbearable. Last night she was laying on the other side of the room and we heard her pass gas like she was a full size grown man! Cant believe something so nasty can come out of a 15 pound little dog!
Doesn't matter what Winston eats (raw fed now) he still farts for the Queen. Silently but deadly ones as well. Charcoal biscuits do help.
Jax can definitely clear out a room with his tooting! I had bought some new treats for him a couple weeks ago and he was killing us at night with his farts (more than normal). I stopped giving him those treats and his gas went back to normal.
I was wondering if gas is just to be expected with this breed or If I should try a different food. Jedi has a lot of gas when he is sleeping.

Did you try plain yogurt?? Stonyfield is good...I have a gassy frenchie and was reading how yogurt is a help so I just startedher but I know it cant hurt!!!
Depending on what Norm eats he gets really bad gas. I learned for treats I just stick to plains bones or Charlie Bears (Liver Flavor). I give my Chihuahua all sorts of flavored treats. Everyone once in a while I feel bad that I don't give them to Norm so I'll him have one and I regret that later. He can clear a room in seconds. He also gets plain yogurt for a treat.
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