Gidget's rear end paralysis


Aug 20, 2013
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Well, Mike and I have been on another emotional roller coaster today... Got up this morning and Gidget couldn't. She could not stand on her own or walk. She was fine yesterday/last night, so this happened sometime during the night. We got her immediately to the vet and were referred to Va Tech. The vet explained to us that there were 3 possibilities. 1. A congenital defect that hadn't been apparent until now. 2. A blood clot in her spine ( there was a med term for it that I can't recall now) and 3. Like a herniated/bulged disc. So, she stayed there for X-rays and observation. X-rays have not shown anything abnormal with her spine so she stays for MRI on Monday. Good news is that she is able to stand and walk around the ICU, unsteadily but she is up.

Mike and I are at a loss without her... She really is the energy of this house. Such a happy bubbly dog. She knew something was terribly wrong and was really scared.

Just now got off phone with Tech.... She is resting comfortably... Talking to them... Is able to stand unassisted and walk and urinated on her own. Still on track to be transferred to neurology on Monday.
Please keep all of us in your thoughts.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish her all the best. *hugs* for Gidget
Oh sorry to hear this. Keeping y'all in my thoughts and please let us know the outcome Monday.
Oh gosh, Anne, I'm so sorry to hear this, my heart just sank when I saw this post!! I will be thinking about ya'll and hope for a good outcome for Gidget. I'm just at a loss. :(

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So sorry to hear this about Gidget. we are hoping for the best and will keep her in our prayers.
The MRI will give you the information you need to know exactly what is going on. x-rays don't provide much info in this situation. Hopefully it was a bulge and meds and crate rest will calm it down. The fact she has rebounded and not continued to deteriorate seems promising. Keep us posted.

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Best.News.Ever. Va Tech called this morning and said she is 100%. They said she can come home today and don't think the add'l diagnostics will reveal the root cause at this point. More to come later after we pick her up around noon. Thanks everyone!!!
Very good!! What sort of supportive care did they give her while she was there? Steroids?
Brill news Ann. I hope shes ok z

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Best.News.Ever. Va Tech called this morning and said she is 100%. They said she can come home today and don't think the add'l diagnostics will reveal the root cause at this point. More to come later after we pick her up around noon. Thanks everyone!!!

;whew: so glad she is OK ..... keep us updated on any more info
For everyone who wanted details.... Unfortunately, there was no definitive diagnosis of what caused her issue. As she improved so rapidly after arriving at VT, all diagnostic work planned was not carried out. She had no medications, no steroids, etc. The doctor said we could carry through with the MRI, but did not think that would give them the information needed to pinpoint what had triggered it. She never acted like she was in any pain, while carrying her to and from or being examined. The doctor said if it had been a disc or blood clot they usually have pain with those. With that information and the price tag of the MRI, we opted to not have that performed. So, at this point I am thinking pet insurance is a definite and am going to read back through those threads!

I did have a message from a friend who had a boxer with those symptoms and it ended up being a parasite. I am going to check with her to see if they were able to find that with blood work or if it took spinal fluid to detect. Also see what kind of treatment the dog ended up needing.
I'm late to this thread but so happy your baby is okay! :)
For everyone who wanted details.... Unfortunately, there was no definitive diagnosis of what caused her issue. As she improved so rapidly after arriving at VT, all diagnostic work planned was not carried out. She had no medications, no steroids, etc. The doctor said we could carry through with the MRI, but did not think that would give them the information needed to pinpoint what had triggered it. She never acted like she was in any pain, while carrying her to and from or being examined. The doctor said if it had been a disc or blood clot they usually have pain with those. With that information and the price tag of the MRI, we opted to not have that performed. So, at this point I am thinking pet insurance is a definite and am going to read back through those threads!

I did have a message from a friend who had a boxer with those symptoms and it ended up being a parasite. I am going to check with her to see if they were able to find that with blood work or if it took spinal fluid to detect. Also see what kind of treatment the dog ended up needing.

With two babies now, I'm thinking the same about the insurance and need to find time this weekend to sit down and read through those threads! Glad Gidget is doing well!

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I'm not sure where you live, so this may be absurd but had she had any ticks? One bite from the right tick is all it takes. We have seen dogs totally paralyzed in the rear, get the ticks off and they are walking the next day.

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[MENTION=179]Tgirl[/MENTION] - that is not a bad idea. I have not seen any ticks out yet this year. We haven't (knock on wood) had many problems with ticks in our yard. Something to think about though.
So glad she's okay, certainly curious about what caused it. For insurance-- at this point anything that would be related to her back legs and spine will not be covered more than likely. It would be considered "pre existing" and even if she needs something done totally unrelated , they will request her charts from your vets. Anything related at all, even just a little, won't be covered. :(

Recently had a friend who had her bully's eyes done for entropion at a year or so old. They gave her preauthorization on the surgery. But at her first vet appointment when he was just a pup the doctor noted possible entropion. This notation was prior to her getting pet insurance on him. So they ended up denying her claim, even with the vet filing an appeal. Sadly he did not survive the surgery, so this was a huge slap in the face for her. :(

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So glad she's okay, certainly curious about what caused it. For insurance-- at this point anything that would be related to her back legs and spine will not be covered more than likely. It would be considered "pre existing" and even if she needs something done totally unrelated , they will request her charts from your vets. Anything related at all, even just a little, won't be covered. :(

Recently had a friend who had her bully's eyes done for entropion at a year or so old. They gave her preauthorization on the surgery. But at her first vet appointment when he was just a pup the doctor noted possible entropion. This notation was prior to her getting pet insurance on him. So they ended up denying her claim, even with the vet filing an appeal. Sadly he did not survive the surgery, so this was a huge slap in the face for her. :(

How sad. That is good to know. I still think it would behoove me to check into it with 3. Right now I am trying to get all of the documentation together to prove to the insurance I have that my kids are actually my kids... Sigh.