Got a dog from a rescue, need help!!!


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Aug 22, 2013
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Ok, here is what's going on. I got a beautiful french bulldog from a puppy mill surrender. It was through a rescue website. She is very sweet, but she is VERY shy and scared. I have her with me as much as possible. I can only assume with her behavior that she hasn't been around people much, and she does NOT have anywhere near the temperament of the other frenchies I have had, or that my now ex has. She keeps her ears up most of the time, she is curious. She walks around the first floor of my house freely. I haven't started worrying about potty training her yet, as she is super afraid of everything. She lays in front of my fridge, looking at her reflection a lot, so much so, I put her food and water near there so she wouldn't have to walk too far. I can only assume she walks around so much, because she was at her previous home, just for breeding, and is maybe looking for her puppies? Not too sure why. She falls asleep sitting up too... which is really odd to me? I feel terrible. I put her on the couch, and she just sometimes lays there, or just hangs out there. She doesn't move much. I tried to put her in bed with me last night when I brought her home, but she wasn't having any of that, jumped out and laid on the floor, so I let her be.

My question is, what can I do to help her? I haven't once raised my voice at her, nor do I plan on it. I feel terrible. I want to do something, anything to help her. Any suggestions would GREATLY be appreciated.

also, I stayed up last night with her till 2am, got back up with her at 4, then again at 5:30 and was up for the day then. I had to work, so my kids stayed with her all day, I took her outside ( she isn't leash trained either ), It is now 1am, I have no plans of sleep for atleast another 3-4 hours.
What I would do is give her treats as often as you can. But not ones that will make her fat. See what veggies she may like.... green beans and etc. Stay away from peas and carrots if you can. As they are high in sugar. She's got too much time on her paws to be thinking too much. Make her feel like she's a queen but please don't let her think that she's over you. Maybe the reason why she didn't sleep in bed with you is because she didn't know what it was for. There are many things we take for granted that she has no clue about. I had a puppy mill dog that was even scared to death of grass. I hope this helps you and her some. If not please let me know as I will help more. I'm new here so if you send me a response and I don't answer please send me an email. Good luck, hon. Thanks for adopting a rescue.
What I would do is give her treats as often as you can. But not ones that will make her fat. See what veggies she may like.... green beans and etc. Stay away from peas and carrots if you can. As they are high in sugar. She's got too much time on her paws to be thinking too much. Make her feel like she's a queen but please don't let her think that she's over you. Maybe the reason why she didn't sleep in bed with you is because she didn't know what it was for. There are many things we take for granted that she has no clue about. I had a puppy mill dog that was even scared to death of grass. I hope this helps you and her some. If not please let me know as I will help more. I'm new here so if you send me a response and I don't answer please send me an email. Good luck, hon. Thanks for adopting a rescue.

I will try that. I need to find a treat she likes. My ex ( who worked her way up from a kennel girl, to RVT, now to an office manager at various animal hospitals ), suggested if i find a treat she likes, to give her one when she comes by me, so she will learn im a good guy, and not trying to hurt her in any way. She is sleeping on the couch tonight, which makes me feel MUCH better, because she is shaking less, and actually sleeping on a soft surface instead of the floor. Believe me, I am off work the next 2 days, she is getting 200% of my attention, and from my kids too. I never leave her for more than a few minutes at a time, and I make it a point to pet her and be as sweet as I can to her, every chance I get. She seems a lot more calm tonight than last night.

Thank you for such wonderful suggestions, I will try to enact them asap! ( pretty much when the good pet stores open up around here in the morning! ). If anyone else has any feedback, it would be also much appreciated!!
Poor girl. I am glad she found her way to your home. Obedience training helps to build confidence in dogs. Maybe talk to a trainer and join a class :)
You are wonderful to adopt a rescue.
I agree with ladyhawk. Your little girl may not have a clue about anything ; it sounds like her life was very limited.
Everything is new to her.

I tried to adopt from a rescue group and was told the dog I was interested in would be better off with a family that had another Frenchie so the rescue dog could learn to be a dog.

You could write to a rescue group and tell them your situation. Their volunteers who foster dogs before they are adopted have lots of experience with puppy mill dogs and could give you suggestions that works for them.

SNORT and French Bulldog Village are a few.

Good luck and update us with how your baby is doing.

I would make sure your girl has a "safe" place. Usually a crate/kennel that she can go to when she is feeling scared or overstimulated (in a room or corner that is away from the heavy traffic parts of the house). Does she have a blankie or a stuffy that she likes? Just a few comfort items could make a difference in how fast she warms up.

Good luck with her and thanks for adoption a rescue :)
Thanks for the suggestions!

The cage thing, I think I am going to do for a few reasons. 1) to help potty train her. and 2) like you suggested, it might be a " safe zone " for her. I am getting a cage, first thing tomorrow

I talked to my ex about borrowing a couple of her frenchies to " guide " mine. Maybe have some puppy playdates. She said she is open to it ( but she is REALLY attached to hers. lol ). Both of her frenchies are wonderful. they love everyone, and everything. So I am thinking if they hang out with mine, they will help her along. I am also open to the idea of getting another frenchie so she has a companion, and that may help too ( but, i will not pay big bucks for one, and they aren't a breed that's readily available in my area anyways)

thanks for the input, and i will be putting it to use immediately! any other ideas are much welcome!
Oh, and as far as how " quiet " my house is. It is extremely quiet, maybe TOO quiet. I live in the woods, and its me and 1 other person here. My kids are here most evenings, but they're so flippin quiet, you wouldn't know they were here unless i told you. lol. They have been hanging out with the puppy the last 2 nights, as have I ( all day today ). She seems to be getting a little more use to people. She gets up and eats / drinks whenever now. She sort of comes up to me when i approach her now also. It's going to be a slow process, but I knew that getting into it and have no problems with it.
I'm sure she will come out of her shell. It will just take time as she learns how to become a pet :) I wish my house were that quiet...whew! Lol
Time, patience and a lot of love... She will adjust to her new life but she's probably scared too. Who can imagine a kind loving human as a scary thing? Well it is for those who have never met one.

There is a supplement called "rescue remedy" to help calm their nerves. I've never used it but heard great things about it.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
Welcome, congratulations, and thank you for rescuing your sweet little girl! You've got some great advice!
Congrats on the new addition and thank you so much for rescuing her!! Give her time and space... the treats will help, but do not over whelm her, let her get use to the surroundings and come to you.
With time & patience she will come around. This is all new to her & she has never experienced a home. Congratulations to her & you & your family!!
Bless you for adopting her and giving her a fur-ever home. Give her time and patience, and plenty of love, she will come out of her shell before you know it. A crate will help make her feel secure. We acquired a bully, (Jewel) from a breeder in Florida who had died and Jewel was crate kept. When we brought her home she did not want to leave her crate for anything. It took a few days to finally get her to come out on her own, and now she is OK and doing great. So just give your girl some time and she will come around.
[MENTION=154]FindBehr[/MENTION], great article, thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for rescuing her ... it doesn't seem as if she was socialized very much so this big new world is probably a little scary to her. In time she will learn that she is safe with you and you should gradually start to see her little personality develop!!! :yes:
Kudos for adopting a rescue. I keep trying to convince my husband that is what we need to do. Sure, there will be hiccups, but it's the right thing to do.
I understand this post was from years ago but I was hoping this person was still around? Im dealing with exactly what she was describing in her post. How is your furbaby doing?