Happy to be here!


New member
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Brewzer and myself (mom) are happy to be new on the French Bulldog Forum to meet other frenchies and learn much more about the breed!! Thank you for having us! :D
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Welcome! We look forward to some pics of Brewzer! :yes: This is a great board!
Re: Happy to be here! 😊


Learning how this all works, so since I've now figured how to add a picture, so here is Brewzer.. If I did it correctly it should be his typical mad at mom for going to work face. :)
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Hi Brewzer! From Gidget and mom Anne on the east coast!
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Welcome .
Brewzer looks like he rules the house.
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Welcome to you and your handsome Brewzer!
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Welcome to FBN! It must be hard leaving for work everyday if that's the face he gives you! I would be calling in sick all the time just so I could snuggle with him! :)
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Hi and welcome. Your little fellow sure is a cutie!
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Thank you all so much! He definitely thinks he rules the house and makes it hard to go to work, but he sure does make coming home all the much better!! Being greeted with his happiness and frenchie kisses makes my day! :)
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Hello and welcome.... Glad you found us.

Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Hello and welcome. Good picture!
Re: Happy to be here! 😊


We enjoy Brewzer's silly Frenchie faces here at home, and thought we'd share a laugh with fellow Frenchie lovers! :)
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Welcome to the site and he is a handsome boy and has some serious stink eye going on there. :)
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Welcome! Awesome folks here :yes:
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Thank you all so much! He definitely thinks he rules the house and makes it hard to go to work, but he sure does make coming home all the much better!! Being greeted with his happiness and frenchie kisses makes my day! :)

Awww, I just can hardly wait to have a Frenchie to come home to......... :pray:
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Welcome! He's a handsome boy! :luv:

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
Re: Happy to be here! 😊

Hi, welcome! What a handsome boy, I love that color! Always happy to see new faces :)
Welcome to FBN! Glad you joined us here and hope to see those pics soon!