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Hello from So. Cal


New member
Nov 22, 2013
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Hello all,

First off I'd like to say thanks, I've been roaming this forum for a couple of weeks before getting our frenchie and I have been getting valuable info. My wife and I picked up our first puppy (Kilo) a week ago. He is 9-10 weeks and he has completely changed our lives! This little guy is a handful and requires a lot of attention, but I enjoy every minute of it. We can't wait to get him house trained and get him all of his shots so we can take him out on walks and show him off.

Quick question, I recently fractured my knee and I'm in a cast....I have to lay down to play with him. How do I get this guy to stop biting my toes!?!


Hello and :welcome3: to FBN!!! They sure are a ball of energy --- sory about your knee (OUCH!)... best way to train him not to bite is to redirect with a toy. Give a firm 'no' and then redirect the attention to the toy and praise when he takes it.
Hello all,

First off I'd like to say thanks, I've been roaming this forum for a couple of weeks before getting our frenchie and I have been getting valuable info. My wife and I picked up our first puppy (Kilo) a week ago. He is 9-10 weeks and he has completely changed our lives! This little guy is a handful and requires a lot of attention, but I enjoy every minute of it. We can't wait to get him house trained and get him all of his shots so we can take him out on walks and show him off.

Quick question, I recently fractured my knee and I'm in a cast....I have to lay down to play with him. How do I get this guy to stop biting my toes!?!


LOL Good luck :-D My boy jumps and barks and bites at my husbands feet every time he walks. He's done it since he was a puppy and we even hired a personal trainer. They pretty much do as they please :-)
Hello and welcome to FBN, Gabe and Kilo! YIKES, sorry about that knee. Probably for now you need to put a heavy sock on that foot to protect your toes. Frenchies are very playful and LOVE toys so make sure Kilo has lots of toys to chew on and play with!

Hint, hint...we love pictures here!
Hi from Anne & Gidget in Va. Congrats on your new puppy. I like the name too! We want pics!!! That being said, Gidget used to bite at my toes when she was very little. But I was not in a cast either... She eventually outgrew it.
Here are some pics of our boy Kilo.... He's a big bully. 5.5 lbs at 8 weeks.
photo 1.webpphoto 3.webpphoto 4.webpphoto 5.webp
Hello and welcome to FBN, Gabe and Kilo! YIKES, sorry about that knee. Probably for now you need to put a heavy sock on that foot to protect your toes. Frenchies are very playful and LOVE toys so make sure Kilo has lots of toys to chew on and play with!

Hint, hint...we love pictures here!

Everyone tells us to get A LOT of toys.... what's a lot? 5, 10, 20? He has about 10 different toys, but I noticed that he loves to chew on empty water bottles until they're completely flat.
Thanks for the welcomes everyone. We will definitely be checking in more often.

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Welcome to the site, pups just love biting toes and pants, just keep telling him no and redirect with a toy, he will eventually out grow this. Just loved the pics, his is too cute.
Kilo is adorable!
10 toys should be enough for him. We have a variety of Nylabones and Kongs. One of Buster's favorites (he's on his 3rd one) is Hard Core Fire Hose. I get them at PETCO!
Gidget has the little hard chewies that are curved. I don't know what brand but it is green in the middle. She also has one that is orange and ribbed in the middle and the ends spin. She likes them a a lot!
Hello From So Cal as well....Orange County here...try a squirt gun or nerf gun.

- - - Updated - - -

Hello From So Cal as well....Orange County here...try a squirt gun or nerf gun.

squirt gun you can squirt in the face......not the nerf gun......try seeing if he will chase the bullets from the nerf gun to distract him from your toes.
Everyone tells us to get A LOT of toys.... what's a lot? 5, 10, 20? He has about 10 different toys, but I noticed that he loves to chew on empty water bottles until they're completely flat.

Jax has a box FULL of toys but his favorite thing to play with are empty water bottles!
Fred loves to get toes too. I try not to pull away from him and I don't scream or yell if he gets me. He tends to think its a game then. I just show him a toy or water bottle and he is distracted. So that can help a lot.

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Maple is a big empty bottle fan as well :P
I do let her play with it on the occasion but always supervise to make sure she doesnt chew of the lid and accidentally swallows it or something like that.
Oh my god he is Amazing little Boy. I have a white frenchie with a brindle Ear. X

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