Help and advice needed


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Nov 21, 2013
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Hi my 13 week old frenchie called Frankie doesn't like being walked on his lead? If u drop it or are out on a nice walk in a Field and he has not got it on he walks perfectly and won't leave your side it's just walking on the lead he doesn't seem to like? Any ideas welcome. Thanks

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You could try leaving it attached to him some while in the house under direct supervision. Once in a while pick it up and give it a little tug, when he comes to you praise him and give a small treat. Once he will come, you build on that. Have him walk a few steps beside you while leading him gently and praising, then give a treat. It takes some dogs a while to get used to the idea, but with gentle guidance and consistency he will catch on.
[MENTION=179]Tgirl[/MENTION] has given you some great advice on how to get him used to it. Time and patience is the key. Some do better with a harness than collar and some are just the opposite. My male bully is OK on a collar but hates his harness.
Thank for your advice. He will wear his harness around the house all day long even with the lead attached it just when you pick the lead up he does not like it at all.

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Gidget had her moments early on when we went on walks where she had to use a leash. At our home, she goes out most of the time without one as we live way off of any roads. She eventually got used to it and now is at the end of the leash if we go out. It just takes some time.
Jax never minded his collar or harness but when we first got him, he HATED going for walks. We couldn't even get down the driveway, he would just stop and put the brakes now. It took a couple months but now he loves going for walks and puts the brakes on when he knows we are going back towards home.
Jax never minded his collar or harness but when we first got him, he HATED going for walks. We couldn't even get down the driveway, he would just stop and put the brakes now. It took a couple months but now he loves going for walks and puts the brakes on when he knows we are going back towards home.

LOL - That's FUNNY!
LOL - That's FUNNY!

Jax is so silly and stubborn but it is impossible to get mad at him! And I am not joking when I say he puts the brakes on. I will even try to confuse him by crossing the street, going different ways but it doesn't work! As soon as we turn to start heading home, he stops. Last week my BF took him for a walk and once they came around the corner to head home, Jax would not move and had to be carried all the way home!
Hi my 13 week old frenchie called Frankie doesn't like being walked on his lead? If u drop it or are out on a nice walk in a Field and he has not got it on he walks perfectly and won't leave your side it's just walking on the lead he doesn't seem to like? Any ideas welcome. Thanks

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Sounds like once you pick up the leash and he knows you have it, that's when he does not like to move. This is VERY common. Almost all my dogs have done this. They don't like the feeling of someone stopping them or having them on the leash at all. The advise of putting the leash on in the house and picking it up is good and I would definately do that. The other thing I would try is treaching him to walk while on the leash is to hold a favorite treat in your hand and show it to him to get him moving. He will learn to walk on the leash in time. Remember that the leash should alwasy be loose. A dogs natural reaction to a tight lead is to COUNTER PULL AGAINST IT. That's why you see so many people being pulled down the street. While training I prefer to use a 6 foot lead. Now that my boys are trained I use a flex leash so they have more freedom to roam on our walks. The flexi leash will keep constant pressure on the lead so I don't like them to be used during training especially when you are trying to teach them to walk on the leash. You need slack in the leash almost all the time while training them to walk on the leash. If you have more questions feel free to post. :)
Jax is so silly and stubborn but it is impossible to get mad at him! And I am not joking when I say he puts the brakes on. I will even try to confuse him by crossing the street, going different ways but it doesn't work! As soon as we turn to start heading home, he stops. Last week my BF took him for a walk and once they came around the corner to head home, Jax would not move and had to be carried all the way home!

LOL - Next time you go out take some of his favorite treats with you in a bag and don't let him see that you have them! When you start to come home and he puts the breaks on, pull out the treat bag and let him smell them. Then encourage him to walk home wth you by giving him a treat every few steps at first. Then hold the treat next to your leg while walking to encourage him to walk with you! Let me know if that works!
Thanks everyone for your advice and tips. We will just carry on trying. He does love walks so much and is excellent off the lead. Just need him to get the hang of it for when walking locally around the streets.

This is Frankie just after tonight's walk. (Not on his leash lol)

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LOL - Next time you go out take some of his favorite treats with you in a bag and don't let him see that you have them! When you start to come home and he puts the breaks on, pull out the treat bag and let him smell them. Then encourage him to walk home wth you by giving him a treat every few steps at first. Then hold the treat next to your leg while walking to encourage him to walk with you! Let me know if that works!

I will definitely try that next time we go for a walk. I am assuming he will go for it since he lives and breaths food...LOL!
:hmm: I have the opposite issue with Cheli... he see's my wallet (not the purse) he thinks that means he is going with or a chance he is. If I have my purse, he knows that means work... if I have my wallet, he goes and sits where his leash is stored and then all heck breaks loss when I open the cabinet door,. He LOVES going for a walk or being in the car.
:hmm: I have the opposite issue with Cheli... he see's my wallet (not the purse) he thinks that means he is going with or a chance he is. If I have my purse, he knows that means work... if I have my wallet, he goes and sits where his leash is stored and then all heck breaks loss when I open the cabinet door,. He LOVES going for a walk or being in the car.

I'm gosh what a smart boy!