Hyperactive dogs

Rudi Lim

New member
Jun 26, 2013
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Boxy and Lulu plays non stop whenever they meet. I have to separate them in different area of the house.

I have tried separating them by getting in between them. But once their eyes meets each other, they became excited again.

It is fun to watch for half an hour, but after 2 hours I got panicked. They were almost out of breath. I really want them to be able to roam freely in the house and not constraint to just an lock up area.

Any advice is much appreciated.
How old are they? You are doing right by stopping the play, so they will not get too hot. If they are young, hopefully they will settle down some, but some Frenchies, never slow down, unfortunately.
Sounds like you need to be the mom of the playground! After you are done having them playing and wrestling, they need to be made to sit and the down on a bed /rug right next to each other. Quiet time,no more,enough play....whatever your cue phrase is going to be they need to learn that the phrase means okay we are done with that for the moment and get their quiet thinking brain on instead of their wrestling hyper brains. Takes time, have them on leads and reward treats but they should get calm quicker every day until pretty soon they don't even have a target bed,you just say the phrase anywhere in the house and they will stop wrestling!
Sounds like you've got 2 playful pups that feed off each other! You are wise to split them up to settle them down!
How old are they? You are doing right by stopping the play, so they will not get too hot. If they are young, hopefully they will settle down some, but some Frenchies, never slow down, unfortunately.

Boxy is around 10 months and Lulu is around 5 months old.
Sounds like you need to be the mom of the playground! After you are done having them playing and wrestling, they need to be made to sit and the down on a bed /rug right next to each other. Quiet time,no more,enough play....whatever your cue phrase is going to be they need to learn that the phrase means okay we are done with that for the moment and get their quiet thinking brain on instead of their wrestling hyper brains. Takes time, have them on leads and reward treats but they should get calm quicker every day until pretty soon they don't even have a target bed,you just say the phrase anywhere in the house and they will stop wrestling!

Thank you. I will try this out.
When our neighbor is out mowing, she runs the fence after him & will NOT stop, so as soon as I hear his mower she must come in & be crated till he is done.
Hmm,why not make the lawn mower thing a game? Again,put on lead,not nylon collar, and move up the fence with the lawn mower at your pace,not chasing pace like the dawg.they have terrier/prey drive instincts that have to be redirected! Taking away and locking up the dog means that the lawn mower noise is special somehow.....if you make them follow your lead and every now and then throw in a sit and a treat and move on and then stop and sit and watch then move on again the special thing just becomes every day like it should be....not so special!
Boxy is around 10 months and Lulu is around 5 months old.

You have 2 puppies on your hands so it's completely normal for them to want to play non-stop. What I have read from the other posters is all correct. You need to be the alpha and choose when its time to play and when it's time to settle down and relax. Give them time to learn your routine and your cues. In the meantime, keep up the good work. Seperate them when they need a time out to rest. Dogs don't alwasy know what is best for them and that's when you need to step in. They may always feed off one another's energy and will escalate. I'm wondering if both are FEMALE? You will want to watch them as they age as most of the time if you are going to have fights it will be with 2 females. They are pups so it's unlikely they will escalate to that unless you have one that is really going for the alpha position. Hang in there. Hopefully they will learn quickly. Just be sure that you PRAISE as much if not MORE than correct behavior and when they do what you ask praise them. Our frenchies love to please even though they are "the bully breed" they still want and crave your attention and love and will work for it.
Thank you Julie for your advice. I will follow them closely. They are one male and one female.
Thank you Julie for your advice. I will follow them closely. They are one male and one female.

I'm happy to help! Watch it's likely that your female will probably take the alpha role between the two dogs.Have fun.....if I can help more, don'theistate to email me. :2thumbs: