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Is he a frenchie?

He looks Frenchie; he is sturdy and doesn't have the long legs that Boston Terriers have.
My Frenchie 's face looks like a Boston Terrier too.

He is really cute!
It's really hard to tell isn't it? I am thinking Frenchie because of the build. What a cutie pie!

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I think his coloring is what is throwing you to think BT.... but, from those pictures he looks all Frenchie to me
It is the colouring that is throwing me off. He's 10 months old and almost 40 lbs and that seems really high for a French bulldog, anyone else here have a bigger then normal frenchie?
He looks Frenchie to me. Aren't Boston's smaller than Frenchies? He is adorable! Welcome to FBN!!!

My Buster is going to be bigger because his mom is an Olde English Bulldogge and his dad is a Frenchie!
He is a cutie, a looks like a Frenchie, but could be mixed with something, because Frenchies, usually are not that big. If someone where showing a Frenchie, then they can not be over 28 lbs., that is the AKC standard. But since you are not showing him, it doesn't matter, because he looks like a total sweetie.
It is the colouring that is throwing me off. He's 10 months old and almost 40 lbs and that seems really high for a French bulldog, anyone else here have a bigger then normal frenchie?

40lbs is big for a Frenchie... Alice's Buster is half OEB maybe Tank is mixed with EB or OEB?
He looks all bulldog to me, but maybe he has a little English in him which is making him a bit bigger? Either way he is adorable! My Frenchie is taller than most and is a bit wider, she hovers around 27-30 lbs, we actually just saw a Frenchie the other day who was a peanut! She is 2 and only weighs about 19lbs, Diva looked like a monster next to her lol! They really do come in all shapes and sizes! :)
I grew up with Bostons and they are not nearly as bulky. That looks all Frenchie to me. Enjoy your new friend.
frenchie for me.. but he looks like a human in the first pic hehe

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One easy way to tell is that Frenchies have round 'bat' ears, Bostons have pointed triangle ears. :) He looks like a handsome frenchie boy to me!
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