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My 1st Frenchie and I NEED HELP!!


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Jun 6, 2013
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We recently just got our 1st Frenchie and he is 12 weeks old. I LOVE him to pieces but we are having problems with him going potty in his kennel. His kennel is big enough for him to lay down and turn around I don't keep blankets in there or toys and I don't allow him to eat and drink when ever. He goes in his kennel when I am gone and bed time. Like this evening I took him out he peed and then I put him in his kennel and not even 10 min later he peed in it!!! He poops in it every night and I do get up 2x a night to let him out. I just don't understand and getting very very frustrated!! Is this normal for a puppy? Any suggestions? Someone please help me :confused:
Hi and :smileywelcome: keep in mind that puppies are only good to hold their bladders for a couple hours at a time. At 12 weeks you might be good for about 2-1/2 to 3 hours. At 6 months it gets just a bit longer at about 4 to 5 hours. The older the pup the longer the hold because the size of the bladder and muscles can handle it , hope this helps :hiya:
Consistency is key. I always tell everyone to look at the world through their eyes. He seems to not understand what is expected of him yet. This is what works for me:

Many times puppies will even do things they shouldn't just to seek attention, even if its negative attention.

Go back to basics. Take him out every hour during wake time, after a long play, and right after eating. Each time he does go potty outside, give him lots of praise.

If he does go potty inside, do not yell at him or give any attention. Only show your distaste for the mess. In other words, the whole time you clean it up you can say ewwww yuck, even whine a little, give it a lot of disgust. Do this so he can see you but never look him in the eye.

He will think "they don't like that, it makes them unhappy". This way he gets no attention good or bad. Only the mess gets the attention.

When he goes outside, you praise him. Squeal for joy and show pure happiness towards the mess. Again focus on the mess. Give a treat and praise.

At night set your alarm at a specific time to take him out for potty.

Also are you free feeding? Scheduled feedings 3 times a day make potty training much easier because they poop after each meal.

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I know I have moments when I think ok we have been working on this for 3 weeks now you should be potty trained but I am quickly brought to reality when he has a accident. I do set a alarm at night and let me out. And no I do not free feed I give him 3 meals at 8 1 and 6. I just got to keep up with what I am doing because Im doing everything right. Just frustrating. Thanks for the suggestions greatly appreciated :)
You have some great info above so I'm not going to add anything other than, please DO NOT withhold water from that baby. They need plenty of food and water while they are growing. Withholding water helps them potty train quicker is a myth. It is very unhealthy for them. He is still a baby and will potty in his crate and in the house for awhile. Be patient with him, and it will be over soon. Here is a litter from your pup, it's a great read.

Welcome to you and Myles! You've had lots of great advice, all I can add is enjoy that little boy--they grow up too fast!
I know I have moments when I think ok we have been working on this for 3 weeks now you should be potty trained but I am quickly brought to reality when he has a accident. I do set a alarm at night and let me out. And no I do not free feed I give him 3 meals at 8 1 and 6. I just got to keep up with what I am doing because Im doing everything right. Just frustrating. Thanks for the suggestions greatly appreciated :)

That's great! Just keep up with it. Some learn faster than others and even once they are pretty much fully trained they will still have a mishap now and again.

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I know this wont make you feel better, my 1st bulldog puppy took a year to potty train. I did everything right, he was just a slow learner. After a year all of a sudden he finally got it. :D I have had rescues where after a few days they "get it". They are all different. All's I can say have patience, be consistent & it will all work out!!
It took Stella about a year to be potty trained. I think at about 7 or 8 months she finally stopped having nightly accidents. It's a long process but it will happen eventually! :)
when your puppy reaches adulthood it will be gone for sure. but for now best practice is to always clean the cage after every pee and poop.. and bring him out every after meal or drink your puppy is having..

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Thanks everyone for the encouraging words!!! I feel better knowing that it's not something I have done and just the simple fact that he is a puppy and to keep on being patient!! He has been better the last couple days but I better not say that out loud don't want to jinx myself :D
I know I have moments when I think ok we have been working on this for 3 weeks now you should be potty trained but I am quickly brought to reality when he has a accident. I do set a alarm at night and let me out. And no I do not free feed I give him 3 meals at 8 1 and 6. I just got to keep up with what I am doing because Im doing everything right. Just frustrating. Thanks for the suggestions greatly appreciated :)

3 weeks is absolutely no time at all. I think you have to re-align your expectations. It could be muchhhh longer until you start seeing consistent results.
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