My frenchie is not listening well


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Nov 30, 2015
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So my male frenchie is now 5 months old. He's a wonderful dog full of character! My biggest issue right now is listening to me when I say COME. When I let him out back to potty he runs all the way to the back where the mulch is and lays down then chews on peices. When I say come multiple times he either ignores me completely or looks at me then continues. Once I decide to go walk out there to get him he runs away from me and turns into a game of chase! Any ideas what I can do?? Obviously take him on a leash is the only thing I can com up with but I want him to listen to me. Thanks!

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May 13, 2016
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I am having the same problem with my 3.5month old Nellie! I have been taking her out on a leash and that helps a bit. Sometimes the only way I can get her to come back is if I shake her bag of threats then she comes running faster than a race horse lol. I am enrolling my Nellie in obedience training in two weeks so I'm hoping this will help. Sometimes though she responds and comes running I thinks it's just a fluke though. Good luck! Frenchies are very stubborn. I'm dealing with the shark phase and a biting problem too but she is such a sweetheart otherwise


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Apr 6, 2013
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Nothing in life is free..... and use a VERY high valued treat for 'come'.


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Apr 24, 2015
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Sounds like he thinks he is the boss! You need to work on making sure he knows you are the alpha. I had to do the same thing with my girl Aiko she thought she was above me for a while. It takes time and consistency and you have to be firm. The nothing is life is free technique as mentioned above works. Also never let them win when you say come and he doesn't listen you have to go up and get him and make him do whatever it is you asked him to do. If they get away with it or you give up... they win


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Feb 10, 2016
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I've been taking Camille to puppy classes and this is a issue for many, including myself. The trainer said don't repeat your command more than 3 times because it dilutes the meaning to your dog. If he/she doesn't respond by the 3rd time then you have to give a stern "UGHH UNNN" to show your dog you don't like that they aren't listening. And of course you gotta heavily praise w/ high value treats when they do the right action. Patients and practice!


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May 13, 2016
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I've been taking Camille to puppy classes and this is a issue for many, including myself. The trainer said don't repeat your command more than 3 times because it dilutes the meaning to your dog. If he/she doesn't respond by the 3rd time then you have to give a stern "UGHH UNNN" to show your dog you don't like that they aren't listening. And of course you gotta heavily praise w/ high value treats when they do the right action. Patients and practice!

Have you seen some positive results so far with Camille? I am taking Nellie to a 4 week puppy obedience class in two weeks. I'm wondering if it'll be worht the money. Luckily the trainer is a frenchie owner herself.


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Feb 10, 2016
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I think is definitely worth the money. She knew some of the tricks going into the class like sit, stay, lay down, speak, leave it, Etc. but in the class I've learned more than just tricks. She's learning how to "relax" which is like a neutral punishment which has helped a lot. She's developed better social skills and listens better since starting the class. And I think it builds a closer bond because you have to practice a lot of stuff in between classes.


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May 13, 2016
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Thats good to know! Cos am starting to get really frustrated with her and eating and biting everything. No matter what i do she doesn't stop it seems she's getting more unruly each day.


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Feb 10, 2016
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Bully sticks and Himalayan dog chews are life savers!


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Mar 19, 2019
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So my male frenchie is now 5 months old. He's a wonderful dog full of character! My biggest issue right now is listening to me when I say COME. When I let him out back to potty he runs all the way to the back where the mulch is and lays down then chews on peices. When I say come multiple times he either ignores me completely or looks at me then continues. Once I decide to go walk out there to get him he runs away from me and turns into a game of chase! Any ideas what I can do?? Obviously take him on a leash is the only thing I can com up with but I want him to listen to me. Thanks!

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My frenchie is 6 months in 2 days, and to this day he does the same thing as you explain. I have to now keep him in the leash or he will just keep running away and around and around picking thing up and eating them for a long time. He still only listens when he wants. goes on hunger strikes won’t eat no food nor drink water lol. I don’t know if he thinks it’s a game or they just black out and go crazy like that and run from you. Does your frenchie pick up and eat anything off the ground? Im very glad I have pet insurance cause he has been to the vet many and many times for infections from eating his own Pooh and infections from eating something off the ground.


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Oct 25, 2016
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When Loki was young and "difficult", I found that when he wouldn't come, if I turned and walked away he would then come follow.


Mar 23, 2017
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This will sound stupid, but it worked for me. Think of calling a cat to play with you- “here, kitty, kitty, kitty!?!” You are probably asking in a flat tone and when he doesn’t listen, it gets more like COME! I tried saying in the most pleasant of voices, come, come, come! I did this in the house in situations where I knew he would follow and gave him a reward every time. (Praise, treat, or threw a toy of his that didn’t know I had). Make the idea of coming back to you enticing when he hears it and then special when he obeys. Now I just say come once and say good boy, but when he is being a bulldog, I will use come, come, come, to call him or who wants a treat? Lastly, never say come, come, come to call your dog in front of friends and family, as they will think you have lost your mind. :). Good luck

Baer Rios

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Jul 17, 2018
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Imy frenchie really listens when i reward him with cheddar cheese. Also, get a 50 ft leash to help with the commands. What i do with mind to practice is give him a puece a cheese when he firzt steps outside so he k ows i have it. Than walk away from him a good distance a comand him to come with excitement. Be sure to reward him lots of praise. I was really frustrated with my little boy *** well