nail splitting


New member
Dec 28, 2013
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Chewy's nails seem to split frequently and look funny when growing back. They don't seem to bleed when this happens, or cause him any discomfort. Anyone have any thoughts on what may be causing it? His nails don't seem fragile when trimming....they are pretty hard.
Maybe try to Dremel them instead of clipping them to see if that helps.
I'm wondering if it could be caused from a vitamin or mineral deficiency. I have no experience with this!
Thank you....may have to try dremel.
can you post a picture of them.... I'm interested to see
Here is a photo...not looking as bad as they do sometimes20131231_081844.jpg
We'll see how he reacts to took 2 years to be able to cut his nails without someone holding him :pray:
Finally got in to see vet. Brittle nails is the diagnosis. Dremel recommended by vet too. Also recommended puttinv knox gelatin on his food. Anyone used gelatin before? Wondering how much to use....chewy is @ 28 - 30 #