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Name ideas for brindle puppy bitch?


New member
Jul 31, 2013
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I'm getting all excited about possibly having a new puppy join our family. As you do!
She hasn't even been conceived yet and already I'm planning her name.

Can you help me out with some ideas?
Something wonderful to look forward to!
I think naming a puppy is like naming a child; it can be a challenging .
Lately here in the US I have run into a lot of dogs named Bella for girls .
What's popular where you live?

Congratulations!!! I always like to get to know the little one before naming, but from what I know about female Frenchies, Diva would probably fit!
We have always used "M" names when naming our pets, so we knew it had to start with an M.
I already had a Mac Murphy Marcus (cat) and Mitten (cat), so we narrowed it down to Mickey, Margie, and Millie... when we brought her home the name Marg completely fit her.
My suggestion is to narrow it down to your favorite two or three and wait and see what her personality looks like :)
I can't help with names, but I just wanted to say congratulations on your future baby! How exciting! Are you already looking at collars, beds, etc? I know I would be :D
Something wonderful to look forward to!
I think naming a puppy is like naming a child; it can be a challenging .
Lately here in the US I have run into a lot of dogs named Bella for girls .
What's popular where you live?


Bella is very popular here in the UK too. In fact, my Mums Bolognese is called Bella lol.

Congratulations!!! I always like to get to know the little one before naming, but from what I know about female Frenchies, Diva would probably fit!

Thank you :) I chose Bernies name a year before he was born and it couldn't have suited him any better when I met him. I know of a few Divas already. But they're both blue... :whistle:

We have always used "M" names when naming our pets, so we knew it had to start with an M.
I already had a Mac Murphy Marcus (cat) and Mitten (cat), so we narrowed it down to Mickey, Margie, and Millie... when we brought her home the name Marg completely fit her.
My suggestion is to narrow it down to your favorite two or three and wait and see what her personality looks like :)

Haha, I don't do that. I have a Bernie, and my two bearded dragons, Brian and Maggie. I'm looking for something that sounds different to Bernie as I don't want them getting confused if their names are similar sounding.

I can't help with names, but I just wanted to say congratulations on your future baby! How exciting! Are you already looking at collars, beds, etc? I know I would be :D

Thank you :) I'm always looking at things I can buy them. I work in Pets At Home so get 20% off everything as well lol. I still end up spending an absolute bomb though!

Keep throwing suggestions at me! I have a few in mind I like but am not mentioning yet as I want to see what you guys come up with :)
P.S. I like old lady names in particular lol
Hmmm let's see for old lady names: Stella, Scarlet, Shirley, Dottie, Madeline, Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, Sophia (had to put the Golden Girls names in there!) and a few other names I like Tara, Lily, Lex or Lexi, Bailey.
LOL [MENTION=16]mcraven2[/MENTION] I was going to say I'm partial to old lady names for frenchies!
I saw a little brindle boy named Camo (because he looks like camoflauge...so cute!) Maybe Cami for a girl?
Congrats on your new pup. I always wait until I see them and know there little personalities before I name them. Can't wait to see your new baby.
Old lady names that start with M: Margerie, Mildred, Maggie, and one oddball– Magnus.

I am so excited for you! Let us know what you go with ;)
LOL [MENTION=16]mcraven2[/MENTION] I was going to say I'm partial to old lady names for frenchies!

I am to! I was so excited when I saw that [MENTION=155]petitsfilous[/MENTION] wanted old lady names! I think if I ever get a female puppy I will have to name her Blanche, even though Rose was my favorite! :)
How about Agnes? Berta? Clara? Diane? Evelyn? Frances? Gertrude? Hilda? Isabelle? Jasmine? Karen? Lola? Margaret? Nancy? Oprah? Petunia? sorry, I'm stuck on q!
Great old names! Add to the list: Millie, Madeline, Clementine, Clara, Ethel, Margaret, Georgette, Lucille, Rosalind, Victoria, Penelope...

Helga! :2thumbs:

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
We use last names of sports players.... the other half has come up with some good ones, so that is the route we've been taking
Some brilliant suggestions!

Hmmm let's see for old lady names: Stella, Scarlet, Shirley, Dottie, Madeline, Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, Sophia (had to put the Golden Girls names in there!) and a few other names I like Tara, Lily, Lex or Lexi, Bailey.

Dottie is the name of the pups Mum and Rose is the name of Bernies Mum so can't really use those. I like some of the others though.

I saw a little brindle boy named Camo (because he looks like camoflauge...so cute!) Maybe Cami for a girl?

I like that but she will be a dark brindle if she's anything like the Sire and Dam.

A few names on my shortlist... Let me know if you like them:

Darcey (top fav so far. Gaelic for 'Dark' - perfect for a brindle pup)
A few names on my shortlist... Let me know if you like them:

Darcey (top fav so far. Gaelic for 'Dark' - perfect for a brindle pup)

I really like Rita! Darcey is cute as well!
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