We got Jelly neutered on July 12. Since that time, he has been obsessively licking. It is really driving me nuts because of the fact that I know it's not out of affection but obsession. I want to nip this in the bud, although it's been going on almost two months now. He is with my husband more than me (because he is completely bonded to John), and he said it started immediately after his neuter. If we stop him from licking us, he will lick the floor. I have no idea why this has developed and am worried that it is due to anxiety. He has a great life and seems relaxed otherwise, so I don't know what he would have to be anxious about. Any suggestions on how to tackle this? Diversion??? More play?
Jelly could have done this from anxiety after the neuter or because he was bored and maybe now it’s become a habit.
My retriever would lick her top of her paw for bored and a calming thing for some reason, she will stop when we tell her to. But she doesn’t do this daily or anything.
My neighbour dog will lick the carpet or floor from being bored that’s now a habit.
It’s very odd that started after the neuter, maybe cause Jelly had to take it easy and not play after surgery??
I totally know how frustrating and annoying it is when they are constantly licking, but since your husband allows it, it can be harder to stop if both of you aren’t doing the same thing to stop him?
Can you tell Jelly to ‘Leave it’ and then redirect him to play with toys or Petey or have him to come cuddle with you?
If there is nothing he may be anxious about, and everything is normal at home, I think it’s more of a habit now from being anxious or bored after the neuter.
When Sadey my golden retriever does it we tell her ‘Leave it’ and normally she is laying down, so she will then either lay on her side or we will put a dog toy on the paw she is licking then it stops it. For her though it’s a habit.
If it’s a Habit for Jelly, and there is nothing you can think of to be anxious about, then you can use the spray bottle to break that licking habit. But when he is with your husband, and spray bottle isn’t a option cause he won’t tell Jelly no, then can you put a toy or blanket on Jelly paws to hopefully make Jelly stop this habit.