Puppy waking up Throughout the night


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Apr 13, 2018
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I am a first time owner of a seven month old frenchie. Iā€™ve had him for about four months and he has been the easiest dog Iā€™ve ever had as far as training goes. Nearly completely house broken (other than the occasional accident), understands basic commands, and is playful and gentile at the same time. However, he pretty consistently wakes up every few hours during the night and goes to the door to let me know he needs to go out. Is this normal? I have only ever owned larger breeds of dogs which can last through the night without needing to go outside. Heā€™s been to the vet and is a healthy pup so Iā€™m not concerned with any health issues. Just more so curious if this is typical for a smaller breed puppy and if he might grow out of it? Thank you in advance for the input.

Side note: he sleeps in my bedroom with me and is not crated at night.
ā€œEasiest dog as far as training goes.ā€ That might be the first time Iā€™ve ever heard anyone say about a Frenchie! Hahaha...

I got Jax around 11 weeks old and he started to hold it through the night a few days after coming home. Heā€™s wake up early, probably around 5 am, but I didnā€™t have to get up during the night to let him out. This may not be the normal though. Other members will come along and chime in.

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We were even warned how difficult frenchies are to train especially in regards to house training. Haha! I feel like I may have hit the jackpot with this little guy. Thank you for the input. I hope we get to the point where he just wakes up a little early rather than every few hours! :)
We were even warned how difficult frenchies are to train especially in regards to house training. Haha! I feel like I may have hit the jackpot with this little guy. Thank you for the input. I hope we get to the point where he just wakes up a little early rather than every few hours! :)

I have a 5 month old Frenchie - he sleeps from about 10pm until 6 am which has been great! However, my other frenchie, woke up occasionally throughout the night until he was about 8 months old. I found that feeding an early dinner, around 4 pm and taking the water up by 6 pm really helped him make it through the night. I also found the more tired they are, the deeper sleep they have and less likelihood of waking up. Perhaps try a long walk after dinner, combined with taking the water up..?

Goodluck!! The joys of a pup hey.
I have a 5 month old Frenchie - he sleeps from about 10pm until 6 am which has been great! However, my other frenchie, woke up occasionally throughout the night until he was about 8 months old. I found that feeding an early dinner, around 4 pm and taking the water up by 6 pm really helped him make it through the night. I also found the more tired they are, the deeper sleep they have and less likelihood of waking up. Perhaps try a long walk after dinner, combined with taking the water up..?

Goodluck!! The joys of a pup hey.

Thank you for your input! Weā€™re in Michigan and itā€™s just finally starting to warm up so Iā€™m looking forward to taking evening walks with him. Good idea with the water and I do feed him around 6pm so i might give an earlier dinner a try. Thanks again :)
I would try .. not taking him out and place him back to bed. He is training you.

Also a good guideline is they can hold their bladder for 1 hour more than months old... 5 months = 6 hours

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I would try .. not taking him out and place him back to bed. He is training you.

Also a good guideline is they can hold their bladder for 1 hour more than months old... 5 months = 6 hours

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I agree, his waking up at night is a habit . It might be easier to break him of this if you crate him in another room.
I agree, his waking up at night is a habit . It might be easier to break him of this if you crate him in another room.

Or even crate him in your bedroom.

We tried Letting Loki sleep without a crate at night, but he did not seem as "settled".

As soon as he went back into the crate (with the door open), his sleeping improved.

(we keep a blanket over the top and sides of the crate at night)
I also am a first time Frenchie owner My Sam is 7 months and has been getting me up 2 to 3 times at night He does not always pee when he goes out just sniffs around. He was sleeping through the night at 6 months then started this habit 2 weeks ago. He has not slept in crate since he was about 5 months old How is your puppy doing now, have you started to crate him?
I agree with not letting him out and make him go back to bed. If he could hold it when he was younger then he's definitely trying to see what he can get away with. Or try a crate and see if he'll settle down and sleep all night. You have to be firm, they are sneaky little goofs. :)