Resource guarding?


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Apr 6, 2024
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Hello, I just recently got a Frenchie, about a month ago. She is a year old. She is the sweetest, loves to cuddle and follow me around everywhere. I am having one issue though. She seems to resource guard me, toys, and food. She only does this with my female lab. She will not bite her but she likes to tackle her if she comes anywhere near food, toys, or gets close to me. She doesn’t even growl at her. She just watches her and jumps at her when she gets close to whatever she wants to guard.
She doesn’t do this with my male Boston terrier or male chihuahua. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! IMG_0800.jpeg
Welcome to FBN! Your girl is adorable.... seems she is trying to take over; any chance your lab girl is alpha in the pack right now? I would bring an in home trainer to help with this ... you can begin placing her in a sit/stay and love or feed you lab girl while the frenchie is to remain in place... treat and praise her if she does as long as she doesn't move while you are with lab. If you catch it early you will fix it quickly. if you aren't able to correct her now, it will be very difficult to correct later/as time passes.
Welcome to FBN! Your girl is adorable.... seems she is trying to take over; any chance your lab girl is alpha in the pack right now? I would bring an in home trainer to help with this ... you can begin placing her in a sit/stay and love or feed you lab girl while the frenchie is to remain in place... treat and praise her if she does as long as she doesn't move while you are with lab. If you catch it early you will fix it quickly. if you aren't able to correct her now, it will be very difficult to correct later/as time passes.
Thank you! No that’s the funny thing about it, my lab is about 9 months old and she is very submissive. So I don’t understand why she is directing it toward her. I wasn’t sure if it was because it’s another female in the house or what because she is totally fine with my other dogs. I’ll try that and if that doesn’t work I’ll seek outside help. Thank you so much
Thank you! No that’s the funny thing about it, my lab is about 9 months old and she is very submissive. So I don’t understand why she is directing it toward her. I wasn’t sure if it was because it’s another female in the house or what because she is totally fine with my other dogs. I’ll try that and if that doesn’t work I’ll seek outside help. Thank you so much
Definitely could be just that.. another female. My female bulldog hated most dogs, but females were a true no go
Sometimes females just don’t get along and like other females. They are called b* tches for a reason. I have a friend that had 2 females that had to be kept separated at all times because they would immediately fight every time.