That sinking feeling!! :0(


New member
Aug 27, 2013
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So we have had Cooper for a week today. Up until today he has been with us all the time, housetraining has been going really well, not a peep at night etc. Today my kids had a friend over. Whilst he was here Cooper peed in both my kids rooms, the downstairs bathroom and kitchen, i had to leave him in his crate for 2 hours. My 7 year old Shih Tzu was also in the house, he just sleeps on the sofa the whole time. We arrived home just as the sun was setting. Walked through the gate and heard him barking. My heart sank! Our Shih Tzu never barked as a pup. I know it's early days but Cooper will have to be left at times and i'm now feeling worried!
He should get used to it, especially if you leave him at short intervals at a time and work up to longer stays away.
Hope so. He is currently glued to me but i have the view of his bum!!
I have had this same issue before with my Boston. David has the right idea- start small. My Boston used to cry, chew, pee, you name it. I first started by looking like I was leaving and then waiting maybe a few minutes outside the door and then come back in. After a few times of this I worked my way up to longer trips like the grocery store and so on. The point you want to express to your dog is that you are going to come back. Over time my dog learned I was going to come back and the bad behavior stopped. Hope that helps!!!
I have had this same issue before with my Boston. David has the right idea- start small. My Boston used to cry, chew, pee, you name it. I first started by looking like I was leaving and then waiting maybe a few minutes outside the door and then come back in. After a few times of this I worked my way up to longer trips like the grocery store and so on. The point you want to express to your dog is that you are going to come back. Over time my dog learned I was going to come back and the bad behavior stopped. Hope that helps!!!

That's great thanks. I will try that from tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Luckily i am surrounded by mostly holiday homes so if he barks he shouldn't be heard by that many people!
[MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION] got ya.... do short time frames and work up to longer times. Even 15 mins... crate him and then go sit in the yard or leave the room --- returning lets him know you are coming back. maybe a t-shirt with your scent in the crate might help too