Tinkle Smells


Aug 21, 2013
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Anyone have a tried and true recipe for getting rid of that pee smell in carpeting? I cleaned it so it wouldn't stain, but when I put my nose down there, I can still smell the pee pee in the carpet.... :(

I'm OCD when it comes to my house not smelling like dog :loco2:
Natures Miracle works wonders. A little bit expensive but one bottle goes a long way. I used it when my cat had a UTI, which if you have ever smelled cat pee would no how disgusting and potent the smell is... Nature's Miracle got rid of the smell completely. Also it has enzymes in it which are suppose to eliminate the urine odor to the animal which in return will help to not encourage them to pee in the same spot.
vinegar and water mix.... I think it is 2/3 water and 1/3 vinegar... spray it on the area and away it goes
I have tile floors now but have used white vinegar/water in a 50/50 mix! It did the job!
Vinegar is amazing when it comes to cleaning up smelly things. That's what I use when I clean the dogs crates and the floor space underneath...just to freshen it up a bit.
If you can find a product called Equalizer Stain and Odor removal it's the best I've found to work. It takes away any stain.....even red wine...... and also takes any odor right up.
If you can find a product called Equalizer Stain and Odor removal it's the best I've found to work. It takes away any stain.....even red wine...... and also takes any odor right up.

Thanks! I will look for it!

- - - Updated - - -

Vinegar is amazing when it comes to cleaning up smelly things. That's what I use when I clean the dogs crates and the floor space underneath...just to freshen it up a bit.

Do you use straight vinegar, or a mix with water?
I have tile floors now but have used white vinegar/water in a 50/50 mix! It did the job!

He's a little stinker, because I have mostly ceramic tile and hardwood, but he finds the room with carpet and goes there! :nono:
I actually heat the vinegar and mix it with a little blue dawn dish soap. No water though. Then I put it in a spray bottle, I think I saw it on pinterest but it works great!
If you can find a product called Equalizer Stain and Odor removal it's the best I've found to work. It takes away any stain.....even red wine...... and also takes any odor right up.

That stuff is fantastic. I highly recommend it

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When I shampoo the carpet, I use Oxy Clean. It gets out pee smells
I use Nature's Miracle too but I treat it first with diluted PIne Sol; it helps pick up the stain on carpets and gets rid of any odor.
vinegar and water mix.... I think it is 2/3 water and 1/3 vinegar... spray it on the area and away it goes

I've used this method myself. Works for anything stinky that I've come up against. Sometimes it takes a few repeats but it does the trick, and it's natural.