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Too Protective

Katie Winchell

New member
Apr 25, 2013
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This weekend I took Norm to visit some family. They have two girl beagles who aren't really into playing. Norm was barking at them and trying to get them to play but they didn't want too. He kept lunging at them and I finally noticed every time I was in the room he lunged at them and barked non-stop. If they came near me he flipped out barking and lunging. They barked and growled back but Norm wasn't backing down. I finally had to put him outside. I left for a little bit and they said when I wasn't there he was fine. He laid down and didn't bother the girls at all. I didn't realize how protective of me he was and I'm not sure when this started. Does anyone have any advice on how I correct his behavior?
I'd say get him out and socialize him more. I take Buster down town, to the park, on trails where we are likely to meet other people and dogs! Obedience classes are good for socialization, too.
Yep, get him out some and when he start sacking like that, tell him NO and let him know it's not acceptable behavior.
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