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Tracy and Frankie girl

Tracy Henyan

New member
Nov 8, 2013
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Hi. I love my French she was a birthday gift from my daughter who's boyfriend had gotten her one several months earlier. My Frankie girl is the most stubborn dog I have ever owned but is always there to make me smile. It's almost been a year and we have a wonderful bond we are so close my children say she is me. This is my first forum but glad to see FB lovers like me. I have been reading the forum and have gotten a lot of great information. Hope to get even more. Tracy in Texas
Cant wait to see pics of your girl!!!!!
Hi Tracey, good to have another Texan here. So glad you found us and I will be looking forward in seeing pics of Frankie. They can be stubborn at times, bur well worth it with the love they give back.
Hello and :welcome3: to FBN..... need to see picture of your sweet girl
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Glad you joined us, cannot wait to see some pics!
Hey Hey!! WELCOME! Frenchies are AWESOME! I got my first one just 2 months ago and already he has stolen my heart. :) OllieandJennaAugust22_2013.webp That's my daughter holding my Ollie.
Hi and welcome! Everyone here is so friendly and helpful. I can't wait to great all about your Frenchie. I have major Frenchie envy.

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