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When to give more freedom from the crate?


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Dec 30, 2013
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I was wondering when you can start giving puppies more freedom from their crate. I've had Valentina a month now and she's been doing pretty good with crate training. She has been going outside and on my balcony and she's learned to go on the pee pads by the balcony door if I don't see her scratching at the door. The only accidents she's had I think were my fault. She pooped once in the living room but I didn't give her enough time to go outside. Then she peed the other day but I had a few ppl over and I think she was too excited.

I really want to start leaving her in the kitchen with her crate soon. The other day I left her with a chew when I had to go out and it fell out of her crate! I felt so bad, she was crying and barking when it happened!

So how do you when they're ready??
Sounds like you are doing well with her. I would say when you are there and can watch her just leave her out, but when you go out, just put her up, that is the safest place for her. We crate all of ours when we are gone, so they won't get into anything.
Sounds like your little girl is learning really well. When we crate Buster I make sure he has several nylabones to chew on!
Bernie really never took to his crate... It's now used to store his mountains of toys. Ever since he was a pup he has had run of the living room and kitchen whilst we are out. He chooses to sit on the window ledge most of the time. I'm pretty sure he's not a 'normal' Frenchie lol. He's never been destructive and never touches anything he shouldn't. I even went out one day and accidentally left an open bag of kibble on the floor... I came back to find it completely untouched.
Jax never liked his crate. When we have to leave him alone, we confine him to the kitchen and we always leave him with water, toys and his bed. I don't think I will ever trust him to have total run of the house while he is alone.
Jax never liked his crate. When we have to leave him alone, we confine him to the kitchen and we always leave him with water, toys and his bed. I don't think I will ever trust him to have total run of the house while he is alone.

Bernie USED to have run of the entire house but during the first few weeks of me being pregnant he hated being without me and would pee on my side of the bed when I was out the house. Bless him.
Ha Marg is crate trained along with her two mixed breed brothers, and honestly I don't think we will ever give them more freedom when we aren't home. They only "kennel up" when we leave the house, not at night or while we are home. I know for sure I cant trust her oldest brother the pit/boxer mix because he is a destructive monster with separation anxiety ha-ha... so we will most likely just kennel when away for ever.
So I just found out the boarding place I'm leaving my little one doesn't allow you to bring their crates. Will this deter the crate training? They take her out for 3 'playtimes' a day for an hour each and she has access to an outdoor playground from 10am-6pm but she'll have to go in the morning. They said I can provide pee pads since she's been using those so I thought that would help. I don't want her getting use to peeing on the floor!
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